What we should see tolerance as



What we should see tolerance as

Tolerance simply means showing respect and acceptance towards people or ideas that are different from your own or your perspectives. It is one of the most important qualities a society can have. When people are tolerant, it allows diversity and harmony. Intolerance leads to division, hate and conflict. For these reasons or purposes ,tolerance is essential for a peaceful community and as a nation.

First, tolerance brings people together. When people are tolerant, they look past outward differences. They find common ground and see everyone’s shared humanity. Even when disagreements happen, tolerant folks can have civil talks. They respect that it’s okay for people to think differently. This attitude unites people across religious, political or ethnic divides. It binds a society together.

Intolerance, however, divides communities. Folks who refuse to accept differences cause separation. Intolerant societies split into “us” versus “them.” This ruins the goodwill and teamwork communities need to prosper. Tolerance is the glue that holds diverse societies together and the whole world at large.

In addition, tolerance helps people grow. Being exposed to new views tests your own assumptions. It makes you reconsider what you thought was true. Tolerating perspectives you initially disagreed with expands your thinking. This shapes you into a wiser citizen. Intolerance makes your thinking rigid and stops moral growth. Opening your mind is how you evolve.

Tolerance is also the best path to peace. Intolerance breeds resentment, hate and fighting. Minority groups facing unfair treatment often feel shut out. This stirs up unrest. But when tolerance rules, all groups feel included. This calms tensions that could otherwise cause violence.

Some argue tolerance should have limits. But tolerance only means you allow differences to exist – not that you approve of them. One can tolerate beliefs while opposing unethical actions. Tolerance gives all views a chance to be heard peacefully. The best ideas will win in an open debate.

In short, tolerance holds communities together. It lets varied groups coexist with mutual respect. Intolerance divides and brews conflict. If we want harmony and unity, teaching tolerance is crucial. It alone won’t solve every problem, but it’s key to mending divides in the world today.

In addition, tolerance enables personal growth. Being exposed to new perspectives challenges your own assumptions. It pushes you to reconsider what you always thought was true. Tolerating and trying to understand ideas you initially disagreed with can expand your thinking and make you wiser. Intolerance makes thinking rigid and prevents moral development. Only with an open mind can people evolve.

Tolerance is also the surest path to peace. Intolerance breeds resentment, hate and conflict. Minority populations facing unfair treatment often feel shut out from society. This stirs up anger and unrest. But when tolerance rules, diverse groups feel included and get a voice in decision-making. This calms tensions that could otherwise cause violence and turmoil.

Some argue tolerance should have limits – that extremely harmful practices should not be tolerated. However, tolerance does not mean approval. One can tolerate an individual’s beliefs while condemning unethical actions resulting from them. Tolerance simply gives all views a chance to be heard peacefully. The truth will win out in an open exchange of ideas.

Additionally, tolerance allows society to benefit from diverse contributions. When minorities are respected, they can fully participate and add their unique innovations to the community. This brings excellence in business, politics, arts and culture. Intolerance silences minority voices and prevents their special talents from enriching society.

Critics also claim tolerance leads to a lack of standards, failing to denounce bad behavior. However, balanced tolerance has moral boundaries – harming others directly cannot be tolerated. Also, tolerance does not necessarily mean acceptance. One can keep moral standards while respecting another’s right to differ.

Some believe tolerance will destroy traditional values. But truth need not fear open discussion. Tolerating opposing views allows change through gentle, rational persuasion – not forced conformity. Forcing sameness never truly changes hearts and minds. We cannot demand others be open-minded while shutting out their beliefs ourselves.

Thank you s much for reading my post

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Tolerance is indeed one way to living a peaceful life.


Tolerance is about respecting others views, even if we don’t agree with them. tolerance is key to a peaceful and harmonious society.👍


Tolerance really helps a lot in life
It brings peace and happiness


Tolerance simply means being selfless to me and accepting others opinions.
Thanks for sharing
