Život iznad vode. 🦢 Life above water.


Kažu da život treba živeti kao labud i patka. Iznad vode biti miran, spokojan i staložen ali ispod vode ludački mahati nogama i plivati da bi opstao na vodi.
Razumete šta su hteli da kažu ovom simboličnim pričom? Da,da, biti pod kontrolom, smiren, ne brinuti previše o životu jer brige iscrpljuju čoveka i nije konstruktivno a zapravo raditi u trenutku svakog dana vredno i najbolje što možemo.❤️🦢

They say that life should be lived like a swan and a duck. Above the water be calm, serene and calm but below the water madly wave your legs and swim to survive on the water.
Do you understand what they wanted to say with this symbolic story? Yes, yes, to be in control, calm, not to worry too much about life because worries exhaust a person and it is not constructive, but in fact working at the moment of every day is worthwhile and the best we can.



Labudovi su za mene kao neki mudraci u belim haljinama koji šire svetlost i dobrotu. Poznato je da labudove takodje baš zbog toga koriste u animiranim filmovima za decu kao simbol čarolije i zaštite slabih.
Ha, ha, ha, dok sam slikala ove labudove spustila sam mobilni do vode pokušavajući da ih uslikam što bolje i bliže da sam zamalo upala u vodu! 😀
Život umetnika nije lak! 😆

To me, swans are like some sages in white dresses that spread light and goodness. It is known that swans are also used for this reason in animated films for children as a symbol of magic and protection of the weak.
Ha, ha, ha, while I was painting these swans I lowered my mobile to the water trying to take a picture of them as well and as close as possible that I almost fell into the water! 😀
The life of an artist is not easy! 😆

Ove predivne pernate životinje su gosti na našem jezeru dok ne počne sezona, a zatim odlete jer im gužva ne prija. Shvatila sam da imamo zajedničke osobine. Ja takodje volim mir i tišinu i jezero posećujem kad nema mnogo ljudi. U jutarnjim i večernjim satima je atmosfera najlepša. Spokojno i tiho.

These beautiful feathered animals are guests on our lake until the season starts, and then they fly away because they don't like crowds. I realized that we have common traits. I also love peace and quiet and I visit the lake when there are not many people. The atmosphere is the most beautiful in the morning and in the evening. Calm and quiet.


Za mene je labud fascinantna ptica. Elegantan, savršenog izgleda, mudar i savršeno beo. Fascinira me što ova vrsta životinja pliva i nikada nisu mokri. 😁


Njihova masna krila ne dopuštaju vodi da ostane na njima već u kapljicama fino sklizne niz perje. Divno zar ne?

To me, the swan is a fascinating bird. Elegant, perfect looking, wise and perfectly white. I am fascinated that this species of animal swims and is never wet. 😁
Their greasy wings do not allow water to stay on them but slide finely down the feathers in droplets. Wonderful, isn't it?



Bavim se slikarstvom pa je bio pravi izazov da jednog labuda naslikam, mislim da sam uspela da prikažem njihovu raskoš i lepotu. ❤️

Nadam se da vas ni ova moja priča nije ostavila ravnodušnima?

I am a painter, so it was a real challenge to paint a swan, I think I managed to show their splendor and beauty. ❤️

I hope this story of mine didn't leave you indifferent either?

Nastavite da posećujete moj blog jer vas očekuje još puno lepih priča. 😇🐝🦢🌳🌺

Keep visiting my blog because there are many more beautiful stories waiting for you. 😇🐝🦢🌳🌺

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.
