"The Coffee Shop Scene"


Hello Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community☕☕

Esenario 3

Hola querida comunidad me complace estar nuevamente por aquí. En estos días mi madre @surglen me había hablado de esta fabulosa iniciativa, en donde a través de creativas historias poníamos a volar la imaginación y el ingenio, colocando como protagonista al café, así que hoy me animé a participar.

Person A: Ángel.
Person B: Adriana.

Angel and Adriana are college classmates and have known each other for many years. After taking an exam for his dentistry career, Angel asks Adriana out again, since he has awakened an attraction to her, but as a good gentleman, he lets Adriana decide the place of her preference, since his desire is to please her and make her feel comfortable and happy.

Adriana, since her childhood, is not only a coffee lover but also a cat lover. In her house she has 2 beautiful cats: a very hairy white cat and a brown Siamese cat that are her beautiful pets that she takes care of with love and care.

Adriana knows about a new café where several cats are walking from one place to another and she thinks the concept and the innovation of this new place in the city is fantastic. She chooses this place as the ideal place for her date with Angel and tells him so at that moment.


Angel for his part knows very well the passion that Adriana feels for her felines, so it is not strange that she wants to know that new place, however there is a drawback, although Angel does not dislike cats, because since he was a child he is allergic to animal hair, however that is not an obstacle to agree to go, because his heart has fallen in love with Adriana and he will do anything to please her and in turn Adriana is unaware of this situation, since Angel has never wanted to comment on it.

Once the day of the date arrived, Angel went to pick Adriana up at her house. She was very beautiful with her dress and her pretty hairdo. He was excited and at the same time nervous about the allergic reaction she might have, but he still thought that his priority was her happiness.

Once at the place they both ordered a delicious frothy latte and accompanied it with a rich vanilla cake. Cats were everywhere. The coffee was really delicious. Adriana began to play with the cats and to hold them and showed them enthusiastically to Angel, who, a little shy and nervous, managed to smile.

After 30 minutes, Angel starts sneezing all the time, his allergy has broken out! He sneezes several times and then asks the waiter to bring him a glass of water and takes a pill out of his shirt pocket. It was a special antihistamine for allergy sufferers. After the allergy calmed down, he confessed his problem to Adriana and told her that he would do anything for her, even take on the feline allergy he had, and that the solution was to take his anti-allergic, so that everything would be in perfect balance.


At that moment Adriana understands how lucky she is, since Angel has shown her that he loves her sincerely. At that moment she tells him to go to a different coffee shop without cats. From that moment on, they both made a pact: they would go to another coffee shop every Saturday and when Angel would visit her at home, she would put the cats away in another place, but as a precaution he would always take his allergy pill.

This teaches us that love can do everything and that always in the name of this feeling the best agreements are made, because with balance everything works.

This is my participation and I take this opportunity to invite my friend @vvarenas.


Imagen hecha en Bitmoji

¡Espero que les haya Gustado!

Imagen hecha en Bitmoji

Les doy las gracias por visitar mi blog, sus comentarios son muy valiosos para mi.

I thank you for visiting my blog, your comments are very valuable to me.

Me despido, hasta una próxima oportunidad.

I bid you farewell, until a future opportunity.

The translator used in my publication is :Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Todo lo escrito es de mi autoría @virgi2001

Everything written is of my authorship @virgi2001

Las fotografías son de mi propiedad, capturando el momento con la cámara de mi teléfono Realme 6. Si existe otra fotografía que no sea de mi propiedad serán citadas con su respectiva fuente.

The photographs are my property, capturing the moment with the camera of my Realme 6 phone. If there is another photograph that is not my property, it will be cited with its respective source.


Excellent story. I am glad you have already joined and participated. This story shows us that love is not only felt but shown by deeds and this has been a great proof of love from angel to adriana.


Thanks for the entry and for participating in the contest.



Thank you very much, I am delighted to be able to participate and I hope to do it again in a new opportunity.
