Concurso : Un día Maravilloso como Madre | Contest : A Wonderful Day as a Mother


Hola amigos de Hive. Espero estén bien! Mayo, el mes de las madres nos regala la bendición de poder homenajear a todas las madres en su día.

De esta misma forma en muchas escuelas venezolanas desde hace mucho tiempo los directivos en compañía de los docentes y la base de todo los niños, han homenajeado a todas las madres es su día.


Para esto en la escuela Carlos Soublette en Venezuela, organizó un día especial para todas las madres. Generando actividades recreativas donde cada una de nosotras como madres participamos en compañía de nuestros hijos.


Realizamos bailes,poesía, canto y también algunos de los niños representaron una obra. A mi hija Elizabeth y a mi nos tocó cantar.


Elizabeth es una niña maravillosa, un regalo del cielo que me ha dado Dios, ella realizó para mí un bonito obsequio con materiales de madera y reciclaje, un Organizador de lapiceros muy encantador.


Además una bonita carta escrita con su puño y letra que atesorar toda mi vida, lo mejor de ser madre es poder mirar a tu hija sonreír. La verdad convocaron una reunión especial con carácter de urgencia, yo tenias cosas que hacer pero siempre debemos como padres poner principalmente los estudios de nuestros hijos por encima de cualquier responsabilidad.


Pasé un día muy especial en compañía de mi hija y de todo el personal educativo. La profesora de Elizabet es una mujer que es maravillosa como profesora, amiga y una mujer virtuosa. Le agradezco principalmente a Dios por ese día tan especial que compartimos juntos todos.


  • Las imágenes me pertenecen
  • Traductor: Deelp traslator
  • Edicion: Canva


Hello friends of Hive. I hope you are well! May, the month of mothers gives us the blessing of being able to honor all mothers on their day.

In this same way in many Venezuelan schools for a long time the directors in the company of teachers and the base of all children, have paid tribute to all mothers on their day.


The Carlos Soublette School in Venezuela organized a special day for all mothers. Generating recreational activities where each of us as mothers participate in the company of our children.


We performed dances, poetry, singing and also some of the children performed a play. My daughter Elizabeth and I got to sing.


Elizabeth is a wonderful child, a gift from heaven that God has given me, she made for me a beautiful gift with wood and recycling materials, a very charming Pen Organizer.


Also a beautiful letter written in her handwriting that I will treasure all my life, the best thing about being a mother is to be able to watch your daughter smile. The truth is that they called a special meeting as a matter of urgency, I had things to do but as parents we must always put our children's studies above any responsibility.


I spent a very special day in the company of my daughter and all the educational staff. Elizabet's teacher is a woman who is wonderful as a teacher, friend and a virtuous woman. I thank God for this special day that we all shared together.1000184001.png

Hello friends of Hive. I hope you are well! May, the month of mothers gives us the blessing of being able to honor all mothers on their day.

In this same way in many Venezuelan schools for a long time the directors in the company of teachers and the base of all children, have paid tribute to all mothers on their day.


The Carlos Soublette School in Venezuela organized a special day for all mothers. Generating recreational activities where each of us as mothers participate in the company of our children.


We performed dances, poetry, singing and also some of the children performed a play. My daughter Elizabeth and I got to sing.


Elizabeth is a wonderful child, a gift from heaven that God has given me, she made for me a beautiful gift with wood and recycling materials, a very charming Pen Organizer.


Also a beautiful letter written in her handwriting that I will treasure all my life, the best thing about being a mother is to be able to watch your daughter smile. The truth is that they called a special meeting as a matter of urgency, I had things to do but as parents we must always put our children's studies above any responsibility.


I spent a very special day in the company of my daughter and all the educational staff. Elizabet's teacher is a woman who is wonderful as a teacher, friend and a virtuous woman. I thank God for this special day that we all shared together.


  • Images belong to me
  • Translator: Deepl Traslator
  • Editing: Canva
