"What things could we do differently to reduce climate change?" "¿Qué cosas podríamos hacer de manera diferente para reducir el cambio climático?"


Cambio Climatico

Hablar de cambio climático en las ultimas décadas se ha vuelto un tema muy común en la política, en lo económico y lo social en el mundo entero, ya que todas las consecuencias de este fenómeno son devastadoras en nuestra naturaleza y por ente afecta a todo el planeta. Vemos a diario en las noticias como de manera imponente la naturaleza hace estragos en ciertos países, vemos el cambio de los ciclos en las estaciones a causa de un fenómeno provocado por la mano del hombre; siempre he opinado que el enemigo mas grande de la humanidad somos nosotros mismos, en nuestro afán de aprovecharnos de las bondades que Dios ha creado para nosotros. Y aún así, solemos preguntarnos porque pasan las cosas. Sabemos que la misma naturaleza se restaura, y que también pueden ocurrir fenómenos naturales que traen consecuencias devastadoras para las personas, especialmente para aquellos que se encuentran en zonas vulnerables, bien sea por condiciones físicas o porque la misma naturaleza así lo quiere.

Últimamente hemos visto como ríos se han desbordado a causa de las intensas lluvias, que los sistemas ambientales han variado debido a los cambios de temperatura, afectando al clima y causando daño a la salud de muchas personas, tanto hasta morir.
Sabemos que en nuestras manos esta parte de la solución para mitigar este fenómeno, la reducción de los gases de efecto invernadero debería ser tarea de todos, ya que esos son los causantes del cambio climático, el CO2 es productos de las actividades humanas y que si todos no preocupáramos y concientizáramos sobre ello, la historia seria otra. Tomar medidas correctas en nuestras actividades diarias seria una manera de aportar un grano de arena en cuanto a este problema; educar a los hijos a responsables en el manejo del agua, de la electricidad, de los desechos, es el mejor ejemplo de vida para ellos. Y si de hacer algo diferente se trata, creo que la solución mas acertada es respetar a la naturaleza, cuidarla como a nuestros hijos, aprovechar la tierra y sembrar alimentos sin el uso de aditivos, para cosechar frutos sanos y libres de químicos, cuidar el agua, cuidar nuestra fauna, entre otras cosas; recientemente venimos recuperándonos del covid, y cuando nos toco quedarnos en casa, la naturaleza comenzó a reclamar sus espacios, porque los humanos cesamos nuestras actividades un poco, y ese poco fue tanto que nuestra capa de ozono esta hermosamente recuperada; tuvimos una gran lección de vida, como todo en la vida siempre tiene que haber un por qué? para conocer el para que; y así fue la pandemia vino para cambiarnos la forma de vida y enseñarnos la nobleza de planeta. Trabajemos en función de las futuras generaciones.

"El cambio climático es uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrenta el planeta. El hombre es su principal origen y sus efectos pueden ser devastadores".

Cambio Clima

Talking about climate change in recent decades has become a very common political, economic and social issue throughout the world, since all the consequences of this phenomenon are devastating in our nature and therefore affect the entire world. planet. We see daily in the news how nature wreaks havoc in certain countries in an imposing way, we see the change of the cycles in the seasons due to a phenomenon caused by the hand of man; I have always believed that the greatest enemy of humanity is ourselves, in our eagerness to take advantage of the benefits that God has created for us. And yet, we often wonder why things happen. We know that nature itself is restored, and that natural phenomena can also occur that bring devastating consequences for people, especially for those who are in vulnerable areas, either due to physical conditions or because nature itself wants it that way.

Lately we have seen how rivers have overflowed due to intense rains, that environmental systems have varied due to temperature changes, affecting the climate and causing damage to the health of many people, to the point of death.
We know that in our hands this part of the solution to mitigate this phenomenon, the reduction of greenhouse gases should be everyone's task, since these are the causes of climate change, CO2 is a product of human activities and that if We all do not worry and become aware of it, the story would be another. Taking correct measures in our daily activities would be a way to contribute a grain of sand regarding this problem; Educating children to be responsible for managing water, electricity, and waste is the best example of life for them. And if it is about doing something different, I think the best solution is to respect nature, take care of it like our children, take advantage of the land and grow food without the use of additives, to harvest healthy and chemical-free fruits, take care of the water, take care of our fauna, among other things; We have recently been recovering from covid, and when we had to stay home, nature began to reclaim its spaces, because we humans ceased our activities a little, and that little was so much that our ozone layer is beautifully recovered; we had a great life lesson, like everything in life there always has to be a why? to know the why; And so it was, the pandemic came to change our way of life and teach us the nobility of the planet. Let us work for future generations.

"Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the planet. Man is its main origin and its effects can be devastating."


Educating our children to be responsible in waste management and in caring for nature is a good start. Respecting our environment and working to save it is a noble cause, it’s actually the only cause we should have, because we cannot survive without a healthy planet. It’s interesting that the world began an immediate recovery when humans were locked up as a result of Covid, and you’re right to note that because we required a little less in the way of natural resources there was a healing - we should take serious note. Thank you for posting in the EcoTrain community.



It is everyone's job, the responsibility is collective, thanks to you for bringing us interesting topics every week. Thanks also for reading!


Exactly, its effects can be devastating and for us to avoid such, it is expedient for us to do the right thing by appreciating nature and taking care of it. Being aware of the tips to do in order to protect it from climate change is important.

Children would surely learn how to protect nature when they are educated and it is our responsibility to make them know. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for passing by and reading.


Taking correct measures in our daily activities would be a way to contribute a grain of sand regarding this problem

I believe taking a positive steps in solving the situation will be really helpful if we can work together in reducing the problem and by educating others as well on how to follow that process.
