Cryptocurrency More than Just an Asset Class




Cryptocurrency is just more what it's been taken to be . Because of the earlier taken definition of what cryptocurrency is all about which people buy into and much more has been the more reason why people shy away from it,greater percentage has no Interest in it and at such are loosing much more. This having effect based on the definition someone postulated based on Experiences then he interpreted it and starts selling it out, people of a like mind then,bought into it,starts disseminating this error and then here is where it has taken people to right now.

Such mistakes which led to the wrong interpretation of what cryptocurrency is all could have been bypassed,am sure that the transaction would have given the same person a signal but because of not having a wholesome knowledge of what cryptocurrency is all about, then the failure came and the person interpreted cryptocurrency is such a way that scare people today.

Why Cryptocurrency is more than Just an Asset;

Before we go into this more,let's get to know what asset means in a lay man's understanding. I take asset to mean anything that provides importance,benefit or relevance economically or financially to a person,organizations or firm. From the definition given to an asset,it relevance economically covers the the Now and the Now after.

Acquiring assets has been what wise men in businesses would have for-saw a long time ago, analyzed and summarize of what economical value it would be though might not be now but now after, fights tooth and nail to acquire sure and after pays them throughout their life time. Example of an asset includes; Land, people into real estates too.

Reasons Why;

Remember that for it to be called ones asset,it must have been that one could have had a complete asset of it,then have a full control of its uses and value. But for crypto,one can just purchase a fragment of a coin not just all, most especially these highly reputable coins.

In one's asset, the person in ownership has a full control of it. But in crypto,one doesn't have full control of it most especially it's value. This is proven true because due to the pressing volatility of crypto market,one doesn't know the full value of a particular crypto.

Known that asset is measured by it's lifetime and liquidity provided,but in not all so with crypto because firstly, reputable coins don't just fade or go away,it's just there, the highest that can happen is it's down price which is the reduction in value. Also all about cryptocurrency isn't a measure of the liquidity it provides.

Thanks for stopping by friends, it's your friend @vickvan , saying good morning from this part of the world.

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