💖Grandfather in love ❤️


Buenas noches queridos amigos. Espero allan tenido un excelente dĂ­a. Quiero contarle lo mucho que quiere mi papa a mi hijo. Claro es su primer nieto es de esperarse

Good evening dear friends. I hope allan had an excellent day. I want to tell you how much my dad loves my son. Of course is his first grandchild is to be expected


Cuando se entero que estaba embarazada no sabía que hacer si llorar, pegarme o abrazarme. El y mi esposo no son los mejores yerno y suegro no es por parte de de mi esposo si no por parte de mi papa ya que soy su única hija. Claro hembra. Bueno una vez mi papá vino a mi casa y me vio y al momento de verme me dijo estas embarazada. Yo le dije que no. Luego fui hacerme mi eco y para mí sorpresa si estaba embarazada. Mi dolor de estómago que decía que era gastritis resultó ser que estaba embarazada

When I found out I was pregnant I didn't know what to do but cry, hit me or hug me. He and my husband are not the best son-in-law and father-in-law is not on my husband's side but on my dad's side as I am his only daughter. Clear female. Well once my dad came to my house and saw me and at the time of seeing me he told me these pregnant. I said no. Then I went to echo and to my surprise if I was pregnant. My stomach ache that said it was gastritis turned out to be that I was pregnant.


Ya tenía 3 meses. Al nacer mi hijo y yo llegar del hospital mi padre vino a verme junto con mi mama. Esta super contento. Mis hermanos igual sobre todo el pequeño el grande si estaba un poco celoso pero fue superado eso. Hasta el día de hoy mi padre adora a mi hijo lo mima lo carga y esta super dotado con el. Pará mi es todo un espectáculo verlos juntos ya que son una gran parte de mi.

I was already 3 months old. When my son was born and I arrived from the hospital, my father came to see me along with my mother. She is super happy. My brothers equally especially the little one the big one if he was a little jealous but he was overcome that. To this day my father adores my son he pampers him and is super gifted with him. For me it is quite a spectacle to see them together since they are a big part of me.

