The Abolition Amendment



People are endowed with rights as a result of their natural birth that enables them alone of all others, living or dead, to will their persons to action. You alone will your heavy hand to rise to your weary brow to wipe away the sweat of your labors, and this sole option inures to you alone by virtue of your natural existence as a human being. That authority is not granted you by your fellows, or any other fact than your natural birth, and cannot be sold, transferred, or conveyed in any way.

This fact establishes that each person themselves is utterly and inalienably sovereign. Since that authority to will themselves to action is inherent and unique, and incapable of transfer, a human being is not property over which another can usurp that sovereignty. Since that sovereignty exists, the practice of claiming ownership of a person, slavery, inevitably violates that individual sovereignty and attempts to establish the will of the claimed owner over the actions undertaken by the individual. Lacking the inherent ability to will the claimed property to act, such ownership can only be effected through persuading the sovereign to take action in conformance to the whim of the party claiming ownership, which, when such actions are noxious to the sovereign, must rise to impose torments the sovereign is incapable or unwilling to suffer should they refuse to submit to the claimed owner.

Indeed, slavery is inevitably associated with torture and durance vile as a result of this fact. Because of the natural existence of sovereignty slavery is therefore inherently evil and contrary to nature. In the incessant march of progress human ingenuity continually devises novel means of achieving production of the blessings of civilization. Today evil psychopaths seek to use technology to subvert the natural mechanisms inherent in sovereign persons to usurp their sole power to will themselves to act.

The imposition of such technological means to usurp the natural sovereignty of people is contrary to the natural order and inherently evil. Society has as it’s purpose the felicity of the people comprising it, therefore society properly and naturally effects laws to prevent evil, and laws which instead allow and promote evil such as slavery and technological means to usurp the will of sovereign people are contrary to the proper and natural purpose of society.

Laws proscribing fraud, torture, inhumane treatment, and crimes of every kind therefore have been effected by societies throughout history, and history reveals a litany of success and failure of such societies to deliver felicity to their members and prevent evil. In recent centuries society has attained to an increased rational understanding of the natural world and our nature that has increased the general felicity overall to a degree unprecedented. This has been achieved as evil slavery has been prevented by the sacrificial acts of good men who have been willing to die to achieve freedom of their fellows by ending subjugation of sovereign people to slavery.

No people have sacrificed more to end that evil slavery than Americans who died by thousands in the Civil War that had as one of it’s ends the abolition of slavery.

It is today upon us to honor the sacrifice good men have suffered to deliver to us the natural benefits of our sovereignty by ending slavery, and maintain that liberty nature has endowed us with by preventing evil usurpation of our sovereign liberty by technological means, fraud and torture. Through clever study of human understanding and responses to information, evil persons have learned to control our education in order to indoctrinate us to act per their whim when they use propaganda to mislead us.

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolishes slavery, but fails to do so completely, allowing an exception and permitting slavery ‘as punishment for a crime’ despite the plain truth of our personal sovereignty and the bloody war Americans fought and won to end that evil.

It is time to end that irrational and unnatural exception to justice.

Senator Jeff Merkley has proposed the Abolition Amendment which would strike the exception in the 13th Amendment and finally and completely abolish slavery in the Land of the Free, for which end so many Americans fought and died, and which today continues to wreak evil on sovereign people and corrupt the just government our society undertakes to deliver felicity to our good people.

Today we plainly observe the most egregious effort in history to undertake oppression, fraud, and enslavement of humanity that has been prosecuted for some years through indoctrination, propaganda, and cruel force by corrupt government and corporations to aggrandize powerful persons. In addition to all the evils slavery has always imposed on humanity, we see that new technological means, from facial recognition, mass surveillance, convoluted fraud and corruption of government by corporations and persons, ever more oppressive and harsh laws, the deployment of police forces armed with military weapons and armor, medical intervention, propaganda and lies, to even the alteration of the very genetic code that nature has produced after ~4 billion years of refinement in the winnowing ecological environment that has delivered to we fortunate few our inherent sovereignty and the felicity that has produced.

Never has exigency more made plain the need to eliminate irrational and unnatural law, that today threatens to destroy our very ability inherent in us by virtue of our natural birth to be free and sovereign. We are faced with utter evil and ruin by being enslaved to inhuman corporations for the aggrandizement of their owners on one hand, and unimaginable prosperity and felicity as the expansion of humanity across the infinite riches of the universe promise on the other.

Both ancient prophecy and the innovations of modern technology promise paradise, and it is necessary we act to fulfill that promise that our beloved posterity inherit from us the very stars of the heavens as possessions their good company enjoys in perpetuity.

I urge every American and all good people everywhere to do everything necessary to adopt the Abolition Amendment and eliminate the exception to the abolition of slavery in the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, and to ensure the laws of all societies on Earth forever abolish slavery.


Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


At the moment in time, it's clear that most people do not think that "slavery" is much of an issue.

But this amendment will become increasingly important as more and more laws are produced without the knowledge of "we the people," and without our influence or desire.

Laws are made that are simply too long and complex for us to read, and thus, we cannot at any given moment know exactly what the full law actually is.

One grave risk is being tried for crimes that are not currently crimes. We know that it is easy to use a computer to store text, video, audio, and images, of what a person does with their life, and thus a person doing something legal today could very well be charged with a crime tomorrow.

As it is, grandfather clauses exist, to prevent being tried with crimes that were committed before a law was made, yet, let's not be naive. It's not like this would be done by accident by a well-meaning congress or court. This would be due to a deliberate subversion of justice, in order to attack a certain demographic.

There are two extremely important aspects to take note of here.



There is a religion that is popular, and it speaks of an idea called "original sin," with the idea that we are inherently evil and guilty. No matter if this is true or not, the fact remains that the idea exists within a popular religion that all people could inherently be rounded up and turned into slaves, if it is not specifically protected against.

This is not something that will happen in times of peace and stability. But if the nation faces civil war, or another calamity, it is possible for religions to attempt to transform the nation into a theocracy, and thus enslave us using the idea that we break either religious law, or that we are simply inherently guilty of sin/crime, and that there is nothing at all stopping any random person from being tried for the sin of existence, and then being sentenced as a slave.

The second issue I mentioned is politics. There are political ideologies that have included forced labor for political dissidents, unwanted ethnic groups, and for anyone in the way, and these have existed in the past, and will surely be a risk to us in the future.

Gulags, camps, and all manner of horrors can exist that can take a technically innocent person, and turn them into a slave. All it takes is for a law to be written that justifies this.

Due to the extreme left/right divide that I think many people are seeing or feeling, it is clear that we are treading dangerous waters, and that it has become actually possible for a political faction or ideology to take control of the government and begin to implement forms of labor control or enslavement upon us.

Putting the Abolition Amendment into law would not protect us from an absolute take-over or corruption of the USA government. But it is still more than a mere vanity law. Having abolition carried out to the absolute maximum extent that is possible, which is the absolute negation and nullification of the valid idea of slavery or forced labor, will give all Americans the power to say:

"No, there is no crime that can ever turn me into a slave; even if I must be punished, I will still be free."


"There are political ideologies that have included forced labor for political dissidents, unwanted ethnic groups, and for anyone in the way, and these have existed in the past, and will surely be a risk to us in the future."

Under the 13th Amendment as it is written ~2 million Americans are held captive as slaves and used as forced labor today in America. It is not days past or to come in which such an ideology has or will come to pass. It is our present government and our current political ideology which includes forced labor and slavery for the myriad Americans swept up by our increasingly noxious laws and corrupt courts.

No country in history has ever called criminals more of it's population per capita than America does today. It is my belief that the primary reason this is so is because captives convicted of a crime (and ~98% of convictions are not the results of trials and determinations of guilt by juries, but the result of extortion by prosecutors and plea bargains) are thereafter legally considered slaves and their labor can be sold or leased for the benefit of 'the state'. This provides endless opportunities for breathtakingly audacious graft and corruption by the prison industrial complex and it's agents, from the lowliest guard to the chief administrator of the Bureau of Prisons of the USG.


I urge every American and all good people everywhere to do everything necessary to adopt the Abolition Amendment and eliminate the exception to the abolition of slavery in the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, and to ensure the laws of all societies on Earth forever abolish slavery.

Dear @valued-customer !
I didn't know the 13th Amendment existed in America.😯
There are currently an estimated 300 million slaves in China. The manufactured products they make are exported all over the world, including the United States.

From my point of view, it is unlikely that slavery will disappear from the situation where Chinese manufactured goods are exported to the world.

Even in the world I live in, slavery is being revived to counter the low-price offensive of Chinese manufactured goods.

Thank you for article!


I note that humanity is teetering on a precipice. In one chasm below us lies one future, and on the other side the completely opposite future. Slavery to psychopathic oligarchs that will demand our posterity worship them as gods, versus paradise in which humanity expands across the universe, free and unimaginably prosperous.

I am utterly committed to the latter.



Even in the world I live in, slavery is being revived to counter the low-price offensive of Chinese manufactured goods.

Spot on.
