RE: Alexander Lukashenko was in Russia on May 9th. Now he appears to be in a coma.


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You are so much smarter than me, it hurts. Good thing I like it. However, very few people buy influence to share it with folks that don't have it. That just needs to happen on Hive for Hive to succeed. To quote Huey Lewis, we need a new drug. One that don't make us sick.

While the predicate is to eliminate kings, once investors get the power to eliminate kings, they discover they can be one, and change their minds. It's good to be the king, I hear.

Now, sooner or later the end of kings comes, where things crash so hard kings get btfo. Then maybe the kingmakers change their minds. But, of course, then it's too late to back power off the emperor.

Decentralization can change all that, by being too small to make kings. It can make communities of confederate flag makers, for example, and they can't make a king, so they have to share power. This can create power sharing mechanisms that can rise above kings - if they see through the kingmakers.

If we build it, and stick to our knitting, we will.



Poor people help other poor people all the time.
If you need help, rich people are unlikely to deliver.
They always say 'get a job' while neglecting that their wealth came from other people working jobs to their benefit.


I will refer to a man that started working at 12 to support his family, when his single mother was institutionalized at an insane asylum. I do work for him from time to time as a handyman.

I suggest you will need specific examples, such as I refer to. He is moderately wealthy today, and does indeed parasitize the work of others, but he did not design the system he has worked hard to succeed in, rather he dedicated his life to supporting his mother, who is disabled due to her mental challenges, and his brothers and family he continues to provide support to, despite them all being adults and capable of working.

He is not megawealthy, but provides the best example of hard work I am personally familiar with in my entire life. He is also generous to a fault, and only yesterday told me to take care of me before completing work I have begun on his property (I am ill, and actually threw up when he came by to deliver food, embarrassingly).

I believe you can seek better friends, and I prove they exist by my experience.

