Intentionality, A Vital Key To Success

I know a lot of us must have set resolutions for the year. We've started planning and also try re-strategize in order to achieve our goals for the year.
In all your doings this year, don't forget to be intentional, focused and have a disciplined mind. Why you might ask?

I have always Written on being consistent, staying focused and other things to staying focused but I have never mentioned intentionality. I will tell you about it.

What does intentionality mean?

Intentionality means being strongly committed and deliberate about doing a task, or business which can make you or mar you. I would simply put that being intentional means being deliberate.
Being deliberate means having this strong and unshaken attitude and attention towards something.

Being intentional aids you become more present and achieve bigger and better goals in your business, career and life as a whole.
When you are intentional, you have a clear roadmap and blueprint about your purpose and you find a way you to restrategize, structure, and input positive mindset to your everyday.

An intentional person is focused and always thinking about your business and life hence being committed, purposeful, and deliberate. An intentional person doesn't get feeble in the place of decision making. He or she has the ability of making decisions on what’s important to them.

Being intentional means getting clear upfront and map about how you want your life to be and what you want to achieve.

How can one then be intentional?

You deliberately write down in a diary or journal what you want to do. For a new year like this, a lot of people have written down what they want to achieve a specific outcome or result in the future that is important to them.This might be a short term goal or project you want to work on.

You prioritize them according to their scale of importance, then slowly and steadily work on it. Research, meet people that know about this field or course you are embarking on. Harness a lot of information then you put in energy towards it.

An Intentional doesn't speak to much, hereby making him or her an action-oriented individual. They have an unshakeable and unwavering determination and strong mindset to accomplish what they’ve set out to achieve. To become more intentional, it’s important to be self-conscious, say no more than you say yes, and practice gratitude.

With intentionality, you appreciate more and practice gratitude for the things that matter most in your life. When you are intentional, you set better boundaries around your time and the areas of your life that are important.

What is the cost of being an intentional person?

These are simple and self-explanatory ideas for becoming an intentional person.



Maximise your time
Be clear on what you want
Be deliberate and useful with your day. A to-do list or a journal can help
Be focus
Avoid distractions. These could be from gadgets or friends.
Stay focused and have disciplined mindset.

Note: All your goals and new resolutions can only be effective and yield abundantly if only you are intentional about them.


Really nice post, interesting but also very motivating.

Thanks for the advice and sharing. A Hug!🤗


I'm glad you love it.

❤ for stopping by
