Coffee to remember


To remember is to live again...

Today I want to talk about a very special moment in my life, it was so intense that emotions flow like a river of living water and I don't know where to start, the attempt is worth it.

It seemed like a normal day, although I woke up with the right foot, literally, I know because I looked in the mirror and I looked like a firefly, my attributes shone in harmony, balance and pleasure to contemplate the delicate lines of my face, feeling of good energies, fortune came with the hours.

My self-esteem ritual, pampering my skin, purifying water, my best attire, light breakfast, rich in vitamins and soft perfume of the most beautiful flowers of the field.

The weather was perfect for a walk and a deep breath of air, my favorite coffee ration was enough to stimulate my senses even more, that moment of going to my favorite coffee shop, I am half a kilometer away, so I can see the novelties in the store windows.

I am always clear about what I will order, the closeness gives me joy, like a child near the amusement park, Oh! There were more people than usual, the city awakened with a desire for coffee and conversation.

Although I am detail-oriented at times, I walked the streets thinking about the agenda to be fulfilled and also the shapes of the clouds, I waited my turn to be served when I felt a gentle pat on my back.

I want to try a coffee the same as everyone else, but different!

How so? Can you explain better?

I'm new in town, but I'm not sure about staying here, I have a feeling, if the coffee is good, that will be a good sign.

Well, I'm weird to recommend, for a special occasion I like clear coffee, topped with whipped cream, cinnamon and peanut butter cookies.

Sounds invigorating.

I reacted instantly, he was an individual of impressive height, he looked like a character from Avatar, blue eyes, light brown hair, I could guess his nationality, I have seen these features in Portugal, Holland or Germany, he speaks fluent Spanish.

Join me in enjoying this sweet choice, can you?

Actually, I had a commitment with the list of things to do during the day, but I kept silent and accepted the invitation.

How are you handling eating dessert with a stranger?

I just crossed it off the list of things I must do before I turn 40, it seems like a very genuine impulse, I'm very shy, I wouldn't be able to approach someone like that.

I don't think things through, I just go with the flow.

Ah! What's your name?


Like Tom Hanks in Philadelphia.

Hahahaha, yeah, I hope I don't die so young, although I like Maria Callas' music.

I'm Paushi.

First time I hear that name.

It is indigenous, from the Yekuana tribe that inhabits the northern Amazon jungle.

I like it, I could name my next pet after you.

Hahahaha, it's not original, it's something I've been told many times... and how about coffee?

It fascinates me, I could prepare it in the final of Master Chef and win, it's a wonderful fusion.

I see you are very ironic.

You think so? I'm telling the truth!

And I'm Sheldon Cooper.

It was a pleasant conversation of trivia, time passed without me noticing, I thought Andy was flirting with me, but I always remember the words of a friend who tells me; that I have the ability to self-complete situations at the pleasure of my mind, maybe the guy was just being nice without more pretense.

At times I think a lot, I lose my gaze and keep silent, in the cafeteria a beautiful song was playing and Andy started humming it, I knew it was Portuguese, but I didn't ask questions, I turned on the shazam on my phone under the table, it was "Cupido" by Luisa Sobral, now every time I listen to it I remember that fortuitous scene.

Andy has such a harmonious face that he looks like Michelangelo's David.

We didn't exchange contact numbers, a car horn sounded in the parking lot and he said goodbye very quickly, that's how it was.

I always go to that coffee shop hoping to meet him again.

Image by Pixabay

Translated with
Cover image by Pixabay


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That does sound like a coffee to remember. Nice story. Is it truth or fiction?


Either way it's a very lovely read.


Hello friend, it's a true story, with some magical changes.


Hey Ungranulises,

You told a nice story there. Nice post for me to wake up to this morning:)
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-7.jpg


Oh! thank you, inspiration caressed my cheek after a long time.


This is a nice story friend, I enjoyed reading it.


very good narrative, hooks you to keep reading, awakens my curiosity to know the end of the story.
Thanks for sharing it.
