Hurry up! There's another DOGGY MEME Coin out there!


Every time I see such an aberration in Crypto rank, I wonder if we all deserve a good drop in the market to realize that this way we are not going anywhere...
I agree that the fashion today is to collect all kinds of MEME Coins and NFTs of the style, but the fact that a token like SHIBA, which maintains the 11th position in the crypto market, reaches a similar market capitalization is simply a bad taste joke which leaves the entire crypto community as if we were stupid...
Just this morning my cousin told me that he just bought about 7000 SAMO coins, which is the MEME coin of the SOLANA Blockchain. In total he has spent 500 $ value.


Coinmetrics is hilarious and so is its roadmap... but it is possible that its performance is a few hundred times better than, of course, BITCOIN and even DOGECOIN...
Regardless of that, I don't have anything about buying this shitcoin, actually, the problem will always be, when to buy it and when to sell it, independently of the use-case.
I must be more stupid than most but I am going to stay out of the way for the moment although I do not hesitate to enter and give a good SHORT to any of these MEMECOINS when the great fall is declared, because that time, my friends, will also come to us...

As usual, this is not Finantial advice and bla, bla, bla...

Take care!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm on hive and dtube since the beginning and boy I think I have almost 4k of dtc, I see how the coins go up, I hope the DTC has a shot to the moon at some point.


Way too many coins out there...the real shitty ones seem to be even more


when you buy meme coins you become part of the meme, so the joke is on people buying them :))
also bitconeeeeeeeeeect :D


Da al mercado una imagen de ser una puñetara coña. Yo a mi tio que ha trabajado en banca toda la vida trato por todos los medios hablar de todo el cryptouniveso sin nombrarle esas payayasadas y proyetos con nombres (no los he probado lo mismo son la repanocha) como sushi o kebap... es que no, ni los he ojeado. Solo espero un dia no le llegue info que le haga pensar estoy haciendo el gilipollas en una cryptomamarrachada.

Hay 10.0000$ de los que 1/3 al menos intentan ofrecer o cambiar algo, pero es mas facil tomar parte de uno del que no hay nada que entender ni por lo tanto pensar. Como el de 7 pasos respondio a un seguidor... Las ondas de Elliott no usa mucha gente porque hace falta pensar
