TWS Crew Topic - Skateboarding Line By Chris Lawrence Velasco (Episode 4)


Chris Lawrence Skate Line

What's up, guys? Welcome back to a new episode of 'Skateboarding Line'. This kid has always amazed me because he pulled out five tricks in a single line. The first trick he lands is the Backside Boardslide on the rail, the second trick is a Heelflip, third is Frontside 180. The fourth trick is a Backside Halfcab 180 and the fifth trick is a Kickflip. He did those five tricks in a single line even though the road is rough.

Every time we had a skateboarding sesh I always saw him try a new trick and week by week he perfectly landed that new trick like the Heelflip. Like I said before a skateboarding line is not so easy to do even though the line of tricks is so easy to do once you miss a single you have to start from the top again. But when I saw Chris Lawrence pull out five tricks in a single line I was a little bit shocked but happy for him.

"This is the highlight of Chris Lawrence's skateboarding line.

Chris Lawrence Land Backside a Boardslide On The Rail

A Beautiful Heelflip On The Ground

The Frontside 180 And Backside Halfcab 180

I also provided a GIF format to watch how Chris Lawrence pulled out his five tricks in a single line.

P.S: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and started filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video, you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


Stay Safe, Skate Safe.

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Best Regards, @toffer
