Golem Overlord: A Big Waste Of Time?


So I don't want to be too negative about GO

But after half a year, it's time for some sort of a review - and it's quite mixed. If I had to summarize my experience "playing" GO it would be that it feels like a I became a bot/golem. Perhaps that's some sweet irony and somewhat humorous actually, but it's also clear that so far playing GO was a huge waste of time. I am saying that because I the gameplay is not really fun at all. Sure, I knew this was await and collect kind of a game, but one literally just waits some hours and then attacks and then collects and repeats that. Day after day. That's not how I want to spend my time. This is worsened by the fact that the main token for the game PART, has lost around 99+% of it's value. If it was only perhaps 50% or so then the farming that I have been doing would have actually made some kind of return. But just to show you how dire things are:

I spent 30 Hive for getting the game pass so to speak. I wanted to make this back through playing the game. But... prices dropped like a stone and never stopped. While one makes more and more PART by leveling up, one could essentially not outrun the high inflation/devaluation. While originally being like 2 or 3 Hive for 1 PART prices are now at 0.003 Hive for one part. And there is no bottom.

So that means although I am making like 300 PART a day from the game that is only worth barely 1 Hive! If I would claim and sell that I could theoretically make back the 30 Hive I spent in one month. But... that is not possible since one has to constantly burn and upgrade, so realistically it would probably take 3-6 months to get that value back. And then of course there is ... inflation. So by that time price would perhaps sink to 0.0003? You hopefully get the picture.

Silver lining?

The silver lining is that the main dev (are there more?) is very active. It's clear that he has a vision for the game and the game is also only still in ALPHA. There is a whole new game mode coming out soon that is called "exploration", NFTs to get unique upgrades/buffs etc. It's clear that the game could become much more complex/interesting/(fun?) in the future.

But I don't see how any of that would stop the inflation spiral. The whole idea of "burning" PART to decrease the overall amount of it hasn't really worked imo, since there is still a high amount of actual inflation. It was just a new mechanic that was perhaps worth it by itself. But at the end of the day, the economy just isn't anywhere close to being stable. And that just shows how difficult it is to create a sustainable economy.




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Hm yep I stopped playing a while ago and lost a ton of money on the stupidest FOMO play ever.
Deserved outcome.
Games like this should only be played during the first week and then dumped like the bad habit they are.
