Golem Overlord 2 Months Later


I have been playing GO for 2 months now

And I haven't put any money into the game other than the 30 Hive starter pack requirement. I have seen my rank increase every day since then which I guess means that there are still quite a few taking PART out of the ecosystem and probably selling it. I would have taken out some as well to get even, but price has declined (as expected in such a game) quite considerably. It is now sitting at an ATLat around 0.07 PART/Hive. At the beginning this was over 1 Hive! Back in the beginning I made only 1 or 2 PART per day and taking it out to sell didn't seem like a smart move. Now I could take out over 60 PARTS, but the value of all of that is less than back then! Not that I am surprised, but it's always interesting to see how these things play out. Well, actually it's not that interesting since the token in question always pumps and then dumps (and sometimes never recovers).


Should I/You continue playing?

GO is officially still in BETA (I think) and there is a lot more stuff to come. I think it would be premature to quit the game now. Sure, it is not guaranteed that the announced features are coming, but if one thinks long term the chances are probably not bad. I have a feeling that it could pay off quite a bit stacking those SHARDS and being able to pump out 100 PARTS+ a day in the future if prices start to rise again. If so, one could easily make quite a bit of $ and still play the game. The fact that I am still rising around 100 ranks every 3 days (without putting $ into the game) tells me that there is a lot of potential to get into the higher ranks quite fast.


I took a rather balanced approach to the game and leveled up more fortification than power. Being able to hold most of the scavanged parts + being able to get a few from attacks seems to be a rather good strategy. I also leveled up last week (or ascended), but I am actually not sure if that had a lot of benefits. I already received the +1 stats before getting lvl 10. But it's probably not smart to stay at lvl 10 for too long, since the rewards should be greater at higher levels.

What is your strategy and are you still playing?




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As you are saying that this game is very interesting and we can earn something from it without investing money, so I will try this time and start playing it soon. Because it is very beneficial for all of us


Let's see how the game will change with the NFT introduced.
