Miércoles en Cacao de Origen || Wednesday at Cacao de Origen [Esp - Eng]



Hola a toda la comunidad del paseo de los miércoles #WednesdayWalk y muy especialmente al promotor de este famoso reto, el amigo @tattoodjay. A todos los saludo muy cordialmente con el deseo de que hayan pasado un feliz día.

Por mi parte, les cuento que hoy disfruté muchísimo de mi paseo, pues la vez pasada estuve en La Hacienda La Trinidad, ubicada en el municipio Baruta del estado Miranda, en Venezuela, en una actividad escolar de mi nieta y en esa oportunidad no estaban abiertos los locales que funcionan en ese lugar, por lo cual, ese día acordé con mi esposo que regresaríamos pronto, para disfrutar de todas las actividades que se realizan allí y que por supuesto quería que fuera un día miércoles.


Ahora bien, la Hacienda tiene múltiples y variadas actividades, todas muy interesantes, por lo que requieren de una buena disposición de tiempo, si deseas vivir la experiencia intensamente. Así que por el día de hoy solo visitamos Cacao de Origen, un local que funciona como una especie de Universidad del Cacao. Es realmente impresionante la mística, el amor y la conexión que allí existe por el chocolate.

Cuando llegamos al sitio, lo primero que percibimos fue el irresistible aroma a chocolate impregnado por todos los rincones del local, aquello era alucinante. En seguida fuimos atendidos por una de las fundadoras de Cacao de Origen, María Fernanda Di Giacobbe, una simpatiquísima señora, que nos atendió con una gran familiaridad e inmediatamente nos hizo entrar en confianza y nos condujo al mundo del chocolate.


Lo primero que nos mostró fue el laboratorio, que está ubicado en la segunda planta del local, allí investigan, estudian y dictan cursos a emprendedores y amantes del cacao. También elaboran chocolates en distintas presentaciones, desde la semilla, con cacaos de diferentes orígenes.

Nosotros llegamos, justo cuando en el laboratorio enfriaban una mezcla de chocolate para la elaboración de bombones de parchita y de tamarindo, que por cierto nos dieron a probar y tanto mi esposo como yo deliramos con esa exótica mezcla de sabores que jamás habíamos probado.


A continuación, bajamos a la tienda, donde nos deleitamos con los diversos empaques de chocolates, elaborados por distintos emprendedores, todos ex estudiantes de Cacao de Origen y procedentes de distintas regiones de Venezuela. Aparte de chocolates, en la tienda también venden otros productos como café en polvo, tortas, libros, utensilios, entre otras cosas.


Y de Cacao de Origen no nos podríamos ir, sin degustar algunos de sus bombones, así que compramos un combo compuesto por: parchita, catara, cocuy con pimienta rosa, ponche crema y sarrapia. No se imaginan el placer que sentimos con aquellos increíbles sabores que nos dejaron el paladar con una agradable y extraña sensación que nos duró un buen rato.

Hasta acá llego con mi paseo de este miércoles que espero les haya gustado y que cuando puedan se echen una escapadita para Cacao de Origen y seguro que querrán volver, así como nosotros nos quedamos pendientes de regresar.


Por ahora, me despido, con esta muestra fotográfica de la degustación de bombones que el día de hoy, disfrutamos en Cacao de Origen, en nuestro paseo de los miércoles, hasta una próxima oportunidad en las que les traiga un nuevo paseo.

Todas las fotografías son de mi propiedad, tomadas con un celular Samsung A03 y los collages elaborados con la aplicación Canva.



Hello to all the community of the #WednesdayWalk and especially to the promoter of this famous challenge, the friend @tattoodjay. To all of you I greet you very cordially with the wish that you had a happy day.

For my part, I tell you that today I really enjoyed my walk, because last time I was at La Hacienda La Trinidad, located in the Baruta municipality of Miranda state, in Venezuela, in a school activity of my granddaughter and the premises that operate there were not open, so that day I agreed with my husband that we would return soon, to enjoy all the activities that take place there and of course I wanted it to be a Wednesday.

Now, the Hacienda has multiple and varied activities, all very intense and interesting, so they require a good time availability, if you want to live the experience intensely. So for today we only visited Cacao de Origen, a place that works as if it were the University of Cocoa. It is really impressive the mystique, love and connection that exists and is palpable there for chocolate.

When we arrived at the place, the first thing we noticed was the irresistible aroma of chocolate impregnated in every corner of the place, it was amazing. We were immediately attended by one of the founders of Cacao de Origen, María Fernanda Di Giacobbe, a very nice lady, who attended us with great familiarity and immediately made us feel at ease and led us into the world of chocolate.


The first thing he showed us was the laboratory, located on the second floor of the store, where they research, study and give courses to entrepreneurs and cocoa lovers. They also make chocolates in different presentations, from the seed, with cocoa from different origins.

We arrived just when the laboratory was cooling a chocolate mixture for the preparation of parchita and tamarind chocolates, which by the way we were given to taste and both my husband and I raved about this exotic mixture of flavors that we had never tasted before.


Next, we went down to the store, where we were delighted with the various chocolate packages, made by different entrepreneurs, all former students of Cacao de Origen and from different regions of Venezuela. Apart from chocolates, the store also sells other products such as coffee powder, cakes, books, utensils, among other things.


And we could not leave Cacao de Origen without tasting some of their chocolates, so we bought a combo composed of: parchita, catara, cocuy with pink pepper, cream punch and sarrapia. You can't imagine the pleasure we had with those incredible flavors that left our palate with a pleasant and strange sensation that lasted for a long time.

I hope you liked it and that when you can, take a little trip to Cacao de Origen and I'm sure you'll want to come back, just like we want to come back.


For now, I say goodbye with this photographic sample of the chocolate tasting we enjoyed at Cacao de Origen today, in our Wednesday walk, until next time I bring you a new walk.

All photographs are my own, taken with a Samsung A03 cell phone, the collages were made with the free Canvas application.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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By @ylich


That as a dangerous walk, full of temptation 😂 So many goodies!!!


Hi @erikah! You're absolutely right, I didn't know where to start or which bonbon to choose, they were all a temptation. What I am sure is that I'll be back, I'll be back. Thanks for visiting the post and for your comment. It was a pleasure to read it


The pleasure is all mine 😃


As @erikah said, it is a dangerous walk... All the calories that you burn while you walking are being refilled when you come to this chocolate paradise! 😂 I suppose that the best way to do it is to take a walk AFTER the visit... 😃
Thanks for sharing!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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Hi @ph1102! You're absolutely right, I hadn't thought about it. But I tell you what I told @erikah, that I'm coming back , I'm coming back 😂 Thanks for your visit and comment.


I can't stop looking at chocolate :)


Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones


Hi @tattoodjay! For me it's really a pleasure to participate in this challenge, plus it motivates me to get out, walk and see many places.
