How to make your crypto earn more crypto for you using Robiniaswap ?


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In the physical world we are hardwired to work to get paid. We first work and then the money happens in the form of a pay check which arrives the next month.
This is an endless cycle from the time we start working to the time we retire or get too old to work.

I am exploring the idea of enabling your money earn more money for you.
With this idea in mind my next pit stop is

What is ?

Robinia Swap is a BSC based project that is offering both a Yield Farm DeFi project as well as an AMM exchange.

What is there in Robinia Swap for a user ?

A user who wishes to provide liquidity to the various pools gets to earn the RBS tokens which are the native tokens of the Robinia Swap ecosystem.

Working on the idea of turning earned money into more crypto money

Coming from the world of brick and mortar stores, offices and banks, one is getting used to super low interest rates by the banks.
So when one sees an APR of of 170.6% one is sure tempted.


A word of caution

We live in a world where money is hard to make but easy to lose so one needs to exercise caution and spread the risk so one can first test the opportunities for the results they offer and only then one should allocate assets in the most profitable yet safe investment options.

Exploring the Robiniaswap pools

So here one finds the BSteem APR has tapered down yet it does not hurt to mine with an APR of 58.46% (at the time of writing the post)


One can keep harvesting the profits form time to time and HODL them or why not stake them for further profits.

What to do with your earned RBS tokens?

Currently one can put RBS tokens into the RBS pool for staking.
At the time of writing this post the APR of the RBS tokens is 170.6% pretty decent rate to grow your money.


So One can put some RBS tokens in the RBS Pool and see how it grows over time.
You can track my posts and see how things move.

What could be potential trigger to see an upside to the project

I am still exploring the options and the possible triggers. What come on the radar on this account is the steem bridge which should enable a lot of idle steem and blurt on to the staking pool.
Moreover the can enable moving idle crypto in a lot of wallets to move to the various pools which currently offer ....

The RBS Pool ~ Stake RBS Earn RBS this has a pretty high APR currently
WBNB Pool ~ Stake WBNB earn RBS tokens
CAKE Pool ~ Stake cake earn RBS tokens
BTCB Pool ~ Stake BTCB and earn RBS tokens
ETH Pool ~ Stake ETH and earn RBS tokens
BUSD Pool ~ Stake BUSD and earn RBS tokens
USDT Pool~ Stake USDT and earn RBS tokens
DOT Pool ~ Stake DOT and earn RBS tokens
RINI Pool ~ stake RINI & earn RBS tokens
ADA Pool ~ stake ADA & earn RBS tokens
BBLURT Pool ~ Stake BBLURT & earn RBS tokens
MOON Pool ~ stake MOON & earn RBS tokens
The regular token burn could also be a trigger for the price to move up.
Here are a couple of resources that you may find useful if Defi and staking interests you.
[How to configure and use Metamask wallet for multiple blockchains?]

How to convert and stake steem tokens on the Binance Smart Chain ?

If you want to stake and manage your crypto using trust wallet then you would find this post useful:

How to use trustwallet to stake crypto on robiniaswap ?

Staking is not the only things that is attracting crypto users to Robiniaswap

Currently I am studying and experimenting with robiniaswap a new Pool and farming platform. You can do a fact check and find more information using the links below:


RobiniaSwap Official Documentation:

Discord Channel:

Standard Disclaimer: Please do your own due diligence and research before making an investment. The purpose of this post is for educational purpose only and it should not be considered as financial advice.
