

Is money politics to you?

I was just having a chat with myself, a little meditation I engage in most times before sleeping and I came across the word money and politics while perusing my mind for contents I will be sharing with my hive's family and finally I asked myself is money politics or not?

What is politics?

Politics to me is a game of numbers and influence. It requires your strategic plan to ensuring a larger number of individuals finds you valuable or fitted enough for a position.

There's no doubt that politics is a game of numbers and influence. Sometimes we call it a dirty game which requires some manipulation and dangerous steeping but all still sums up to how much numbers you have and what influence level are you on.



Politics is a game of numbers and so is money. How much money you have is dependent on how much of people you can solve their problems.

Just like my definition of politics, money also involves strategic ways of presenting your product or service to a number of people, attaining the position of value.

Speaking of numbers, we can't as well forget the influencing factor attached to money.

Can you really make money without influence?

A lot of people have gotten the idea behind influence wrongly. They think influence is owning the fame and moving about in a tinted brand new car with guards surrounding and protecting the car owner from the civilians.

That isn't influence. Influence is having your core values represented in another individual.

It means your ability to bend a man's decision because of your principles and core values.

Without doubt, everyone who makes money, make money not because they have that super magic business or idea, they make money because they are able to convince enough people (having the numbers) into seeing their core values and ensuring they buy from them.

People buy feelings, feelings are not generated from a tank or dug from the floor, feelings are a depth of a man's personality (core values).

Money is politics,they are both a game of numbers and influence.


A little scenario we all can speak on...

In politics decisions are being made by the people and how is it done.

Do you find me valuable to be voted in? It is a game of numbers. A man's win is dependent on how much value he has deposited and how many people he can reach. ( Bribing is also some level of value😅 ask Nigerian politicians).

Taking this same scene into money.

Making money is also a game of numbers. It depends on how many people is willing to say Yes to your product or services.

This little piece I found might be useful to help you get your money game right. Money is politics and you need to treat it like one.

I hope this short piece is good enough to help you get your money game right.

See you soon.. leave a comment if you find this good enough.


Nice one man... There are a lot of relationship between money and politics, and one of them is POWER, money is power and also politics is power...

Well done...
