Giving time to your family is also important

When you spend time around familly you feel good , your stress is gone for that time. But despite knowing this fact we make those moments the same by thinking about our worries all the time.

I feel good when i am around small kids because they attract me towards them and i love playing with kids alot.

Specially small kids who are walking on their knees.

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We live for our family , we earn for them but we sometime spend weeks and months and we don't spent proper time with them.

So give your precious time to your parents , your wife , your kids , your friends and most importantly yourself. Do everything you want to do in life but never take time from these people.

Just like your time is gem, similarly these people are also like a gem of your life. The gem that you should always keep safe with you.

Can you relate to what i am trying to say ? if you are a family person you will definitely relate with what i mean to say.


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