Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part seven


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Boss catches and exploding things

It was a rumble time in the desert against a Digtoise, Katress was fighting while being hit by some shell spinning fun. This was clearly going to be a nice addition to the base and likely be a solid miner as it spins and spins around the rocks at base.

Bit further in is a Syndicate camp with the fight between them and the Tocotoco to kick things off, explosions sent the Syndicates and Katress flying while doing nice damage and creating a beautiful sight, before Kingpaca was released to finish the rest of the job.

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Before long it would be back at base time with some large eggs found, more exploring done to open up the map further but also catching more versions of Dinossum.

477 had a few things to build for leveling up the base a few more times. This ranged from cooking and resource production, to a weapon workbench of a fluffy pal bed which is much more comfortable and suitable for Pals to sleep in.

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With this progress it now shows how much more effective base resource collecting will be, how much more it can be defended having 12 Pals out at once and give our experiment a chance to head back out into the world to fight and explore a lot more!

Now the best way is to go after the next boss he felt like going for.. Mossanda Lux the beastly looking lightning type that is packing quite a punch in this intense fight.

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Funny thing about this fight is the fact it gets sent hurdling into the air from attacks due to it jumping about like a silly thing, look at it just fly about up there!

After the fun wore off and the attacks got it weak enough, Mossanda Lux boss was captured which is a really strong find. Unfortunately not going to be riding it but the fact it will boost the party with it's attacks and strength, that is a big help for the tough enemies to come.

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Tocotoco gloves were created as a must for testing what it could do when you use it as a grenade launcher, it makes a lot of explosions happen which could be a deadly weapon used in battles, should 477 decide to keep it with him for long enough.

With that testing out of the way on his new weapon, it was time make 9 giga sphere's to have a much higher chance of catching those stronger Pals, soon to be encountered and rare ones as well.

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477 had gotten started on his new base location as the second base wasn't suitable there but this new spot had more room and is a better location.

He had to store some resources moved to a crate next to a rock where he will be building, doing a couple of trips until he could remove the pal box and place it in the new area which he was happy to have done and then could move the resources into a crate near the pal box.

Clearly the free pal alliance members weren't happy with the amount of Pals currently being hoarded by 477 and they came in mass.. perfect time for Tocotoco grenade launcher!
They sure did get blown away by the power he had.

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Back to adding more to this base, the Pal condenser was a big thing to get completed for when you are massing the same type of Pal and you need 4 in order to be able to power up the stats of another, meaning making much stronger versions to make battling easier!

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A big explore became the next task after taking some time to organise some walls for the second base and it started with a section having some lava rivers flowing through sections and some lower level but new Pals to catch.

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A final fight before resting in this spot for the night was a Mossanda just a normal one. Explosions saw a swift victory, after the time it took to flap float down closer again so it could be pelted even more, eventually seeing a fresh level up with its death and some extra technology points to be allocated after deciding what to go for.

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This was Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part seven

Stay tuned for more adventures and to watch how 477 deals with becoming the beast of a Pal master over time!

You can find Palkemon! - Unleash the Beast - Part six here

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