The Reason : A Freewrite

It is time I go to bed, but it doesn't look as if I'm going to do that any time soon. The reason is because these days I am finding it easy to sleep and I'm finding it hard to do some daily chores because I have arrested for one or two days at home and tried as much as possible to refresh my body.


But to be sincere, there is no rest in this world. That is what they even say. The more you work, the more that is expected of you to deliver, so the more you have to do so that you can catch up with whatever that you are long enough time in life.

But if you are not able to deliver the most optimum aspect of life, you might not be able to do something. That is impressive both for yourself and for your own family. So they still boys down to setting a very good plan and goal for yourself as a person, then trying as much as possible to deliver the best for them. That is when you can call yourself a man and you can see yourself as an achieved person. If this is not well taken into cognition, trust me, you will not enjoy the livelihood of being a man.
