Simplest guide on how to partake in venom Testnet


If you are in the cryptocurrency ecosystem you should knows that they are countless ways to make ends meet. If you are positioned and wise enough you will see yourself making money without passing through a lot of stress. You can blog about cryptocurrency or anything through platforms like Hive and get rewarded for it. Another thing is that you can also engage in airdrop hunting and you will get paid deep along the line also. As a influencer you can use this to make lots of money from the cryptocurrency ecosystem also. Marketers and developers are not left behind. To cut the story short I will say that you should come with your talent and you will see that cryptocurrency is open to all. This shows that the cryptocurrency ecosystem is for we all. Your talent is welcomed here. You don't need to jump from one blockchain to the other, just stick to the one you can work with. It is just a simple world when you relate it to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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As per airdrop hunters, I came across the Venom blockchain. One thing that you need to take seriously is that once you hear blockchain, don't in any way joke with it. We all knows that to launch blockchain requires a lot of money, time, focus, dedication and commitment. It is not that easy as a lot of resources have to be put in place. The reason a lot of effort is being channel into building a cryptocurrency blockchain lingers on the fact that people fund will be managed. If they failed to build a good blockchain and people lost their money, the team will be held accountable.

knowing about the Venom blockchain

The Venom blockchain is a scalable blockchain solution that is designed to meet the needs of real-world applications with a unique architecture and technology that enables it to provide a high level of performance and security. The Venom blockchain is promising to make sure that we are served the best as they planned on making transaction cheap and faster.


How to take part in the testnent activities

As per how to interact with the Venom blockchain these are what is required of you, they include;

First of all you had to make sure that you download the Venom blockchain app. You can download it through playstore or iOS store. For the benefit of this post I will use Playstore, this is because I am using an Android phone.

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You can download the Venom app here

After downloading it, set the wallet up by saving your phrase. Now that you have done that, you can check to see that your wallet is in testnet node, if it is not in testnet you can change it to Testnet mode. After doing that you need to get the Venom Testnet token. To do that click on this link once it opened, perform task over there by following their Twitter page, after that click check and you will be given test token.

Now that you have gotten the Testnent token, you need to carry out transactions on the Venom blockchain. The thing to do next is to make sure that we interact with the Venom blockchain. We need to first of all swap. Click on this link and load it through the venom blockchain browser. This is the swap link. Now make sure that you connect your wallet and swap some VENOM to USDT. After doing that make sure that you swap some to WVENOM also. Now allow it to confirm. Once it confirms, the next thing to do is to make sure that we add liquidity. You can do that with this link. Liquidity

Now what to do is to add liquidity to WVENOM/USDT. Follow up the next step by making sure that you approve the transaction in your wallet and wait for the WVENOM deposit to confirm.
Now that it has completed, make sure that you confirm the transaction and then click supply token and approve transaction in your wallet. Now that we are through with that we have to move to the next thing which is the farming pool.

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What to do here is to make sure that you are in farming pools, now select usdt/Wvenom
Click deposit LP token
Input amounts and go ahead by depositing. As it deposit, make sure that you copy your wallet address, go to vesting, make sure you fill in all requirements and vest.

After vesting, the next thing is to play with the NFT market. Now go to Buy NFT, now connect your wallet to the oasis NFT platform and make sure that you buy some NFT and also place bid on some.

The next aspect here after the buying of NFT is to bridge. As per the bridging aspect you have to make sure that you are very observant if not you will have headache doing it. I passed through rigorous activities in other to get it done.

Now what to do as per the bridging is to make sure that you have Binance smart chain address and also have about $3BNB on your Binance smart chain wallet. If you got that, now go to the bridge by clicking this link

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Now listen to me, make sure that after connecting your wallet to Binance smart chain and the Venom blockchain, you should at first swap from Venom blockchain to Binance smart chain before swapping from Binance smart chain to Venom blockchain. This will help you to be able to accomplished the bridge faster.

Now that you have completed the bridge, what to do next is to make sure that you follow @VenomFoundation, then copy this address "0:077873f1453fa67b0f1ce77f1e806675acd19c4694b9738be61fd406618f2f7a" send some venom token to it. Once that is completed, follow @w3w_exchange
Follow @venompad copy the tweet below and tweet this word : Can’t wait to try the @venompad first launchpad on Venom. Meanwhile participate in #VenomTestnet to explore the @venomfoundation ecosystem.

Now after that, go to and stake.

Now that you have completed everything, go to Task,
make sure that you connect your wallet, and start minting NFT to show you have completed the task. After you must have completed everything, take a screenshot of all the entire NFT minted and submit it in their discord group

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That is all, have a nice day.
