Reinvesting RBS to earn more RBS: The amazing effect of Robiniaswap


Just recently I have picked up the mantle by digging more into the Robiniaswap system. I won't in any way be relenting yet. This is because I am using this medium to ensure that we don't miss out on something amazing like this again. I am trying my best so that people can get more exposure about the Robiniaswap project. Just like Pancakeswap because I never thought of it base on the fact that the experience and mentality wasn't there I missed out on it. I know how my friend told me about it, and funny enough it was very cheap just like the way you are seeing RBS right now. Before I progresses let us still knows what Robiniaswap is.


What is Robiniaswap

Robiniaswap can be defined as the Yield Farm DeFi and AMM decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain. It has a pool where you can invest your token and earn RBS in return. For your information the RBS is the native token of the platform just like the way #cake is the native token of Pancakeswap.

One good thing I love about the project is that the project owners knows how to get things done and they are very active providing support for those who are lost along the line. While the APR has decreased over time base on the amount of inflow of participants, they are looking for many ways to make the coin more precious. They have great plans in place to make sure that the coin return to a good price. One of the ways they are looking to employ is to get the token burnt. I will be updating us on how that goes today. They are also planning on partnering with other great project, this I will be talking about when it comes to my next post. Isn't all of this interesting? If yes, you should consider not selling that your RBS token, hold and you shall celebrate soon.



We all knows that when the pool started, almost everybody invested the token which they knows it is accepted in the pool before you can earn RBS. Some of the coins which is accepted include, steem(Bsteem), Eth, cake, Eth, Busd, BNB, etc. Now that you have invested such coin, the return is simply for you to earn RBS. Now that you are earning your RBS token, remember the pool will keep decreasing and you might struggles to earn more RBS as time progresses. This is why you must treat your RBS so special and take the mantle now as it present itself by making sure you earn more RBS now. A time might come such privilege might not be there.

We all knows that you have the right and privilege to do whatsoever you think is right with your token but for the love of this project investing or let me say staking your RBS will fetch you more RBS. We knows that if we all keep staking our RBS it will reduce the selling pressure on the coin and will increase the coin price beautifully. Isn't that what we wanted?

how to Reinvest your RBS

To invest or rather still reinvest the earned RBS from your invested Steem, Eth, Cake and all the token I mentioned above, you have to make sure that you log into your wallet by visiting the Robiniaswap website through the link below.

Robiniaswap website


After you must have opened the website and you have successfully connected your wallet, you are now required to click on the three lines at the top, it will bring out a pull down menu, click on #Pools. Immediately you do that it will take you to the pool where you will see different pools. Now, the first pool which is the RBS main pool is what we are interested in. Since you have earned your RBS token from the other pool you will now click on the + sign in the RBS pool. After doing that it will shows you the total RBS you have, click on Maximum if you want to reinvest all your RBS or type the amount you want to reinvest. Once you do this it will take you to the page where you will confirm the transactions. Immediately you confirmed the transactions, give it some time and you will see your RBS being reinvested into the RBS pool. With this you have done two things,

  1. You have reinvested your RBS to earn more RBS


  1. You reinvestment have helped to reduce the selling pressure on the RBS coin which in return can impact the price positively.





Forget about the price right now, remembered Rome wasn't built in a day. If you followed my last post you will see where I said if you are thinking of RBS you should think long term. That is the advice I will give here also. If you hold for long, you will surely smile. I believe the price can shoot back to $34 or more. We all have to stop selling RBS by simply investing and Reinvesting our earned RBS into the RBS pool, if we keep doing this, the price of the token will increase amazingly.

            signed out 

For more information about Robiniaswap you can make do with the information below.

The website:

Robinia documentation:

Discord channel


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Greetings tfame3865. Thank you very much for sharing this important information, like you I also invest in RBS and I will reinvest what I generate, RobiniaSwap is consolidating every day, and I hope in a short time I can have more investors for the benefit of all.
