Transportation Fare Exploitation


The recent increase in transportation fares in my country has led to a number of negative consequences for the general public. One of the most significant issues is the greed of some public drivers, who are using the fare increase as an excuse to demand even higher charges from passengers. This is not only unfair, but it is also a clear violation of the rules and regulations that are in place to protect the rights of consumers. Imagine waking up each day to use a public transport holding a particular amount thinking it's the same as yesterday and all the sudden you hear the driver mention a higher figure than what's been budgeted for.

Another major problem with the fare increase is that it is making it increasingly difficult for people to afford the cost of goods and services. Prices of goods are taking different toll every day and people are not able to purchase the goods they need for their daily lives and this totally sucks. This is particularly problematic for low-income families and individuals, who are already struggling to make ends meet.

To be honest, the root cause of these problems is the failure of government and transport authorities to effectively regulate the transportation industry. Instead of taking steps to ensure that fares are fair and reasonable, they have allowed prices to be set by the market, with little regard for the impact on consumers. This has led to a situation where public drivers are able to exploit the system for their own gain, while the general public is left to bear the burden of higher prices.

On my way from school yesterday, I was met with an angry passenger who was almost having a fight with the driver for charging more than he should.


The government does need to take immediate action to address these issues and ensure that transportation fares are fair and reasonable. This could include prolly implementing stricter regulations on the industry, increasing oversight and enforcement, and providing support to low-income families and individuals to help them afford the cost of transportation.

Additionally, the government needs to work to improve the economy and create more jobs, so that people can earn a decent living and afford the goods and services they need to live a decent life.




You have to be careful of government regulation because once it starts it never stops. It’s a double edged sword that often leads to even more corruption. While it’s painful to see the fares going up, I don’t think at all that government regulation will help the situation. Setting limits or minimums hurts more than it helps.


I seem to come to agreement with this especially with the fact that the government regulations is a two edged sword leading to more corruption than solving the issue at hand. Maybe we'll just have to accept our fate and wish for the better someday. Thanks a lot for your input🤍.
