The enigmatic heiress



As the headline "Sixteen-year-old Girl Becomes the Multi-Million Mansion Owner" danced across my thoughts, a mischievous smile graced my lips.

Inheriting my late uncle's mansion, known as the den of darkness, brought an indescribable thrill. My family, considering me just as eccentric as my deceased uncle, displayed no surprise when the will was read. Besides, my uncle had no heirs since his only potential heir perished alongside his wife due to a mysterious bout of food poisoning.

While my relatives recoiled at the mere mention of my uncle's name, I found solace in spending my days at the mansion. There, I indulged in my peculiar hobbies—hunting lizards and exploring phantom scents. I relished the tranquility, surrounded by towering trees that whispered haunting melodies, accompanied by the hoots of owls and the eerie rustling of wind.

The incessant noise at my family home, particularly my younger sister's relentless quest for her countless makeup items, tempted me to enchant them with a temporary silence, perhaps medically induced.

Filled with elation, I gathered the remnants of my belongings at my parents' house and promptly relocated to my newfound mansion. Hours passed, papers were signed, and keys were ceremoniously handed to me. My parents feigned tearful farewells, bidding me goodbye. Though only ten blocks separated my new abode from my father's, it stood out like a mysterious sentinel amidst the surrounding homes. Its grandeur and imposing presence, enveloped by unsettlingly dark gray hues both inside and out, captivated my imagination. It was a place I wholeheartedly called home.

Overwhelmed with joy, I ventured inside, leaving my luggage for the servants to handle, while I embarked on a thrilling exploration. The backyard, an alternate realm of its own, tantalized my senses. It beckoned me incessantly, yet my uncle had always caught me red-handed, curtailing my secret escapades.


A small, foreboding room stood before me, its door adorned with a macabre inscription, boldly written in blood-red ink: "Do Not Enter." I chuckled at its feeble attempt to intimidate, for fear held no power over me.

The world around me harbored suspicions about my uncle's reclusive nature and whispered of his sinister secrets. Even I never truly trusted him, but an inexplicable fascination enticed me, and inheriting his eerie mansion was a testament to that allure. I apologize for shattering your expectations, but I am an enigma—a girl with a black heart. My siblings aptly bestowed this moniker upon me and it fit me like a glove. While my parents attempted to shield me from my uncle's influence during my formative years, I could not resist returning to him time and again.

The silence that enveloped my uncle was a peculiar kind of agony—more potent than the impact of a bullet piercing flesh. I mimicked his icy demeanor, projecting it onto my raucous siblings and parents, driving them to avoid me at all costs. "He was an icy-hearted individual," I murmured softly, almost shedding a tear as I delved into his biography.

The key to the dark room remained in place, attached firmly to the lock, its rusted exterior enticing me to indulge my curiosity. Bending down, I inhaled deeply, the metallic scent of blood stimulating my senses, setting my brain and mind ablaze with questions about the secrets concealed within the dark room.

With a deliberate turn of the key, the door groaned in protest, surrendering to my relentless curiosity. An abyss of darkness engulfed me, threatening to steal my vision so I stood back in awe and suddenly an enormous vulture flew out making raspy sounds. I was even more fascinated but I needed a flashlight to tame the darkness as I explored the nooks and cranny of this dark room. I quickly shut back the door lest another creature escaped while I was away.

To be continued.




This is incredible, @teknon, story's from you are always one of a kind, so your parents didn't want you to go close to your uncle's abode, but you are not afraid of the mansion, bring the next part because I want to read, everything you experience in the dark room.


story's from you are always one of a kind

Oh my! Really? Thank you lots🥰

bring the next part because I want to read, everything you experience in the dark room.

I'm bringing it on real soon 😉
