Curiosity in children


Nowadays, children are so smart to the point that almost all they ask is the "wh" question. They are our upcoming philosophers who would ask questions about almost everything making sure they get the right answer.

My niece had come to stand the weekend with me and so one afternoon my niece was all over me seeking permission to go play outside in the sand but I told her no because it was an instruction from her mother that I don't let her play in the sand which made the little girl sit beside me , looking me straight in the face and asking me 'why'?


I told her that her mom gave the instruction to me that I shouldn't let her play in the sand and again she was so smart that she wondered why her mom would say she shouldn't play in the sand when at her house, her mom lets her play in the sand.

She asked me to call her mom so she asked her mom why and got the real reason why she shouldn't play in the sand but I resisted. After much persuasion I gave in because I saw that she would never let me be if she didn't get an explanation.

She made it clear to me that her mom lets her play in the sand when she's in her house but then why would her mom ask her not to play in the sand now that she's come to visit me?

I was short of words and just couldn't help but call her mother, handing over the phone to her and putting it on speaker so she could hear her mom properly.

After mother and daughter finished their love session of talking my little girl hit the nail on the head. She's so smart that she didn't throw the question immediately at her mother but waited till she was done teasing and laughing.

Her mom laughed and teased her of her smartness, also answering the question that the sand in my area is not good looking for a child to play in plus she shouldn't be alone outside where there is no fence around the house to shield her from passersby to avoid kidnap.

After that call she dropped the phone and lay back quietly beside me and continued watching cartoons. It was funny that after her mother was done explaining, she looked at me and said 'see! I told you mom had a reason. She loves me and doesn't want me to get infected with dirt or kidnapped'.

I smiled as each word came out of her little mouth. Children are smart and are great philosophers who embrace wisdom. They see things, hear things and want to always experiment with what they see or hear to get answers to their minds' questions.


That's why we adults should be careful if what actions we take when we're with children. They are so smart and pick up things with ease because at that stage their brain is like a magnet which attracts and stores information just as they hear them without filtration.

They love exploring, asking queries, getting results and just love to know that they are loved, smart and cherished.

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At firs,t they are born SPONGES, absorbing and needing MORE, and MORE...
..., soon, though, they become Lawyers and twist your own words against you and argue, tossing the simple things you said, 6 years ago, back at you.
