A lone praying mantis

Not much into photography although I have been thinking of developing it into a new hobby once I get a good smartphone with better camera quality. However I changed my mind when I randomly took this in the morning when coming back from a shop and I think, for novices like me, I really did well, so, I am not waiting until I get a new smartphone which isn't even anytime soon. I am starting now!

One thing I find strange about praying mantises is that they never move on groups, o haven't seen them do so at least, maybe they aren't just a social type of insect like ants and bees, however, grasshoppers and locusts who happen to be their close relatives move in groups here, especially in farm raids they partake in. Maybe this is because praying mantises aren't a pest-type of insects but rather, they predate on other insects.

It actually took me some time to get this shot. The bloopers were so bad that I thought of giving up on taking the photo because the mantis wouldn't just maintain an angle but kept on moving, not that I blame it though as it must have thought I wanted to hurt it.

So here are the edited and original versions in that order:

Snapseed did a good job with this one.

I edited the above using Lightroom by "staining it with hematoxylin and eosin"...( Haha just kidding)

And then, we have the original one taken with my not-so-good camera:

I mean.. apparently, yes...
