RE: The Daily Meme #470!


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The next time you see somebody getting ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt keep it in mind that if they >resist it is you that are responsible for what happens to them next.

Try to dodge it all you want, but your agreement to the status quo makes you guilty of any crimes >committed in your name.
More guilty than the mental moron carrying out your orders, imo.

If the moron wants a two hundred and fifty dollar ticket it's not my fault, that's his personal choice. He can have all the personal choice he likes. The worse that's going to happen is his choice to go broke from paying the ticket. Unless of course he flies out the windshield after a violent crash, in that case he won't have to worry any longer about paying those tickets. Sure the government shouldn't be in the business of regulating choices for adults, just as they repealed the helmet law here, it should be their choice if they want to increase their chances of dying if involved in a motorcycle crash but it should be my choice to determine if I want to click or ticket and/or increase my chances of flying out the windshield if I don't.


The greatest freedom we have is the freedom to be stupid.
Hopefully that freedom takes the most stupid out of the gene pool.

I don't have any right to control you forcefully, you don't have any right to control me forcefully.
We can't delegate authority we don't have.
Cops are armed thug morons that don't know any better, and mostly don't care to know better.

Absent a duty to protect there is no gov't, only an armed gang that forces us to pay and obey.
