RE: Guess WHO? Neil Oliver Names Names


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He's been popping up everywhere lately. He's supposed be living in exile from his country somewhere from what I understand. The one thing he gets wrong, like millions of others, is Trump. I can't even see how people miss how the game has been played, it's the globalist world against Trump, it's the deep state against Trump, they've built a stature around "we all have to agree to pretend to hate Trump and Trump hates us". In reality that's the only way this thing can work because overall if you are going to take everything down you have to know exactly who the people are you will physically have to take out to make the new world order happen. That's exactly how they have played it out in Ukraine. Zalensky befriended the right and incorporated them into his world. You can call them the right, the hard right, the Nazi's, white supremist, supremist, racist, nationalist or any other name you can think of, you can take whatever group you want to label them as, put them in a jar, shake them all up, pour them all out and in the end it will still be considered the groups that need to be eliminated because they will always oppose the new world order even if it's on different levels of dislikes or hates. It's just the way it is. Those people stand in the way just like the older generation stands in the way, covid was meant to take care a lot of them. Trump is the US's Zalensky and people are to blind to see it. I don't think by 2024 it will all be done and said for like he says in the video, what I think is the move against the US towards what's happening in Australia, New Zeeland, Canada and China will come after the election, possibly another rigged one. I think by that point they will have destroyed the ability of allies being able to come together to defend against what's going on. Like some of these countries have said, they will not give Ukraine their weapons unless the US guarantees them they can purchase new ones. Tucker Carlson said the other night that we are shipping our own weapons over there without replacing them. We keep emptying out our emergency oil reserves also, not only for use here but they are shipping it off to other countries. He implied they weren't refilling the reserves. This is some serious business and all people can do is keep talking about how great Trump was and how he's coming back to save everyone. Ukraine is just the start, to me even 2024 may be a bit premature aim for here, that's a lot of destruction they've got to go to tear Europe
