RE: Got worms?


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Look dude you started it by bringing up the guys issues with worms so talking about the guy "medically" about worms is, in my opinion, way worse than talking about if he "possibly" got the vaccine, then you lead into he was admitted into the hospital but you don't know since you brought it up nobodies allowed to speculate on it? At that point it's wide open from there in my opinion. If I had said something about reading an article that said there was a recent outbreak of worms caused by eating lettuce you'd found a quick comeback for it but no you have go getting ultra sensitive because I brought up the issue of the vaccine after having viewed a video that mentioned possible parasites associated with the vaccine.

I am not for lockdowns and yes medical facilities should continue along with all businesses to operate, but that has nothing to do the intent of the article either, what's making people ill/dying from the vaccines should be the focus of the medical community therefore they are needed more than ever.

You are dead wrong that just the pharmaceutical companies are making money off the vaccines, for every shot given they get reimbursed over a hundred bucks a shot, that's an administrative fee anyone giving the shots gets from the insurer, medicaid/medicare, or a reimbursement program set up by the government from the stimulus package. When hospitals this last summer where giving shots in auditoriums they sat up and used they were raking in over 35,000 a day in the larger cities were the demand was high. They also get reimbursed at the same rate medicaid/medicare pays out for ICU plus 20 percent added to cover PPE, that's just medicaid/medicare, they are allowed to bill insurers which pays way more. Insurers are now being allowed to charge co pays for those medical stays, this wasn't allowed in the beginning. Remember empty ICU beds make them no's not the bulk of their hospital operations but it all adds to their bottom lines. I am not saying there is nefarious dealings financially going on with them all, I went to the doctor for a well exam (that's what they call it, a yearly health exam), they didn't even mention if I had been vaccinated....that shows you they are wising up, maybe they won't stand up against it, and like I said who could blame them, but they don't have to push it either.


Look dude, you started by going off tangent about something that has nothing to do with having Strongyloides.

I merely said not sure if he's in the hospital for this because this specific parasite don't usually cause severe problems.



It's dude-ette. Don't know why you got all ultra sensitive but really guy there's a lot of people getting sick or injured, that may not have been your experience but for many it has. In the meeting to expand boosters last week many doctors showed up and told them we are killing two people to try and save 1 using these vaccines, that's why they got denied to give these boosters to everyone. I can link you up to it if you want but regardless of how you perceive the issue the fact is they are going to try and give these to our kids, you'd think you'd just come back with a punt on my comment and kept what I said to you in the back of your mind in case mysterious things start happening, sometimes it what's on the low down that we end up making vital decisions on, we don't have to tell the world everything but passing information is sometimes vital to getting to the truth. Meaning we don't have to share it, believe it but keeping it in the back of our minds give us some credence to go on if we find ourselves all of a sudden questioning something. I definitely wasn't out to offend you.
