" A special Birthday Gift to Her loving Father- Leaf Artwork 🍃."



Hello guy's a blessed day to all, thank God for this day that is given again.

Now our happy vacation is over, back to normal life again, so I'm back home here in Pampanga because I have to go back to my work. And of course we can't neglect our leaf art and because my customers missed me, on the first day of my arrival, someone immediately made their favorite leaf carving.

That I'm super thankful because even though I'm far away, there are still people personally messaging me who want to have their photos made on leaves.

So now I will give it time to please my lovely customers who tirelessly make and support my leaf carvings.

Now thanks to my good customer who patiently waited for me to finish taking her leaf photo. She wanted to give it to her father as a gift for his upcoming birthday, her father's birthday is next week and thank you because I made it before her father's birthday.

When my customer saw this that I finished making, She was very happy and she said that my creation on the leaf is very good and nice.

I really appreciated your compliments, even your simple praise is the joy of my heart and cannot be paid for by money.

For my art I am happy that I can give joy to my customers every time they enjoy my leaf artwork.

Thank you very much for your tireless support and monitoring of my posts on my accounts like my Facebook account on my Instagram account on my tiktok and especially here on my Hive account.

Actually, I still have a lot to do because I have been asked to do a lot of things that I haven't been able to do because I'm on vacation so my things to do are a bit piled up.

I will try to finish it right away even if I am busy with my work, I will give time to finish everything my customers ask me to do right away.

Thank you very much for the trust because leaf art is the gift you have chosen for your loved ones.

I am happy to be able to serve you through my arts to bring joy to your family or loved ones through my creations. See you again in my next Leaf Art mini blog 🍃 .








Hi guys, I am Jaypoy Sucal living near at Canuman mountain in Tarlac, Philippines. I am an Artist who loves making Leaf art, Charcoal drawing, Colored Pencil Painting, and Pointilism.
Leaf Art is I am focus right now because of lack of materials in making arts and financially. I learn how to make Arts out of Leaves which is abundant in our place especially living near mountains. I pray to God that He take care for all of us especially you for taking your precious time in visiting my post. God bless you
Please support me, you can visit my collection in https://nftshowroom.com/sucal/gallery

