Súcubo / Succubus - [ESP-ENG]




Hace unos años atrás cuando la canción de Despacito de Luis Fonsi y Daddy Yankee comenzó a recorrer varios países y a las personas les gustaba y comenzaron a recorrer muchos canales de YouTube y la gente reaccionando, mucha gente le gusto y el video iba cada vez y cada vez expandiéndose por todo el mundo.

Incluso salía la gente aprendiéndose los bailes de la canción subiéndolo a redes sociales, grababan las reacciones y las subían a YouTube normalmente y era interesante ver los diferentes tipos de reacciones de la gente, porque se encontraban de toda gente que le gustaba mucho y otros que no, incluso personas que conocieron el género del reggaetón por esa música que ya cuenta casi con 8.000 millones de reproducciones.

Pero eso no era todo como el video se fue pegando tan duro en muchas partes del mundo hubo gente avispada que pusieron la canción al revés y dijeron que la canción tenía contenido en sus letras llamando al diablo y afines. Ese video lo vi, estuve buscando nuevamente y no lo encontré, por eso supongo que lo bajaron.

Pero algunas reacciones quedaron, y recuerdo que muchas palabras no conocían y resulta que en ocasiones mencionaban a un tal belcebú, que para mí pensaba que era una palabra engorrosa, pero resulta que era una manera de nombrar al diablo, lo mismo pasa con súcubo, esta es un demonio que se introduce en los sueños de generalmente hombres y los seduce, es una chica endemoniada que se viste con trajes muy cortos y poca ropa para seducir al género masculino.


A few years ago when the song Despacito by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee began to tour several countries and people liked it and began to tour many YouTube channels and people were reacting, many people liked it and the video was spreading all over the world.

People were even learning the dances of the song and uploading it to social networks, they recorded the reactions and uploaded them to YouTube normally and it was interesting to see the different types of reactions of people, because there were all kinds of people who liked it a lot and others who did not, even people who knew the genre of reggaeton for that music that already has almost 8,000 million reproductions.

But that was not all as the video was hitting so hard in many parts of the world there were clever people who put the song upside down and said that the song had content in its lyrics calling the devil and the like. I saw that video, I was looking for it again and I couldn't find it, so I guess that's why they took it down.

But some reactions remained, and I remember that many words they did not know and it turns out that sometimes they mentioned a certain belcebú, which for me I thought it was a cumbersome word, but it turns out that it was a way of naming the devil, the same thing happens with succubus, this is a demon that gets into the dreams of generally men and seduces them, it is a demonic girl who dresses in very short suits and little clothes to seduce the male gender.
