5 Minute Freewrite: high power lines


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Oh heavens. The google timer disappeared.

high power lines

My mind goes right to weed. High power lines. It also goes to buzz, buzz, buzz, walking in a field with high power lines constantly buzzing. The dog just jumped on my lap.

The power lines were soooo high. Hi! Hi! They said to one another. We're so high!

Erga berga berga berga. Timer. Power. Soooo...about that solar power. Climate change. Amazing how people can just stand by and do nothing. And by nothing, I mean how we're not, worldwide, revolting. Seizing power and wealth out of the control of the rich. Will we all just die slowly along with the planet? I mean, the human race? Individuals will die quickly from overheating and other climate change related catastrophes, but the human race will linger on for awhile yet. But we could thrive! We could. We can. We will see.

Hopety hope hope hope. I was watching an episode of How to Get Away With Murder and there was this woman who was being charged for a crime she had committed in the past. She'd been living a false identity since. But she had two kids. And she ultimately assumed another false identity.

Jesus fucking christ that other timer alarm sound is AWFUL.
