



👉From the Greek hypno: sleep, and pedia: education, it would be education through sleep.

👉This is an NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) tool that helps us to reprogram the mind for various purposes.
This happens because, when we sleep, our subconscious is much more receptive to the messages it receives

👉 Our thoughts and emotions arise from beliefs rooted in our subconscious.
If these are negative or dysfunctional, they can cause us problems or suffering on a daily basis. Therefore, if we wish to modify an attitude, we must go to its origin.
Sleep is the ideal time to perform this task, because, while we sleep, the barriers of the conscious mind go down and we are much more permeable to information

🔹️What does it consist of?

👉 It consists of talking to your child for 21 days in a row, while he/she sleeps, when he/she is already in REM sleep (deep sleep, that which is achieved approximately 2 hours after he/she has fallen asleep) with a soft tone, the purpose you want your child to achieve and always finish the sentence, with a loving word, with an I love you or I love you.

👉For example, if you want your child not to be aggressive, nor a fighter with his little friends, every night you approach him and while he sleeps you whisper to him, "my love, tomorrow you will play happily, you will have fun sharing with your classmates, I love you very much".
Always positive words!

👉When the child is sleeping, words go straight to the unconscious, which listens 1,000 times more than the conscious.
Everything you say to a child during their rest period will penetrate.

in it directly and effectively.
💥Steps to follow:
▪︎First, define the messages you want to convey to your child.
▪︎Make sure they are short and positive (avoid using the word "no" and focus on what you want to achieve and not on what you are worried about).
▪︎For example, instead of telling her "you no longer feel anxiety," better use the statement "you feel calm and happy throughout the day."
▪︎It is also important that you do not select too many messages at the same time.
▪︎Aim for fewer than four every 21 days (the recommended period for transmitting a message).
▪︎Wait for your child to enter the deep sleep phase (approximately 2 hs after falling asleep).
▪︎At that time, place yourself next to him and, without waking him up, start talking to him about what you want to stimulate in him.
▪︎Your tone of voice should be harmonious, soft, with understandable words.
▪︎Keep talking to him for 5 to 10 minutes, and end with a positive, loving phrase.
"I love you"; "you are very precious to me", or some similar one that comes from your heart.
▪︎You must repeat this routine for at least 21 days in a row.
👉The choice of this time period is due to the fact that cell regeneration occurs every 21 days. So your little one's new cells will come already loaded with the positive information you've passed on to him or her
💥Benefits of Hypnopedia:
It helps to balance emotional, spiritual and physical energy.
With this tool we can help them become more confident, happy children who feel tremendously loved by their parents or caregivers.
Let's put into practice this beautiful technique that brings enormous benefits and allows us to be closer to our children.
👉If we apply hypnopedia with children, we can transmit to them that information that during the day we find complicated to express for different reasons.
And, above all, to transmit our love to them so that it is firmly seated in them.
This technique has been used for a long time and, although it has not been fully refuted, it has not been validated as an effective learning method.
