Getting My Heart Crushed Again - Therapy Update



Oh well. Didn't see that one coming. I had a therapy session scheduled this thursday (the day of my birthday) but received a call today from my therapist telling me she's taking on a big project at work and for this reason had to let go of her newest clients. Hit me like a truck.
I had found the courage and the strenght to get back into therapy after many invalidating therapy experiences. Now this. I understand the circumstances. I really do. At the same time it hits deep into my abandonment trauma. She didn't leave me in the dark in the sense that she transferred me to one of her collegues. But it's already hard to open up now starting over is definitely not something I look forward to. #LifeSucksAndIVeHadIt

I'm not trying to act like I'm morally better here but I feel like if I was in her shoes and I had to do this to a new client I would have approched the situation differently, would have profusely apologized and have told them that their collegue is really kind or something or that she feels bad, I don't know. You're working with very vulnerable people. You have to keep this in mind. Your actions can trigger their traumas. And something that some people may view as not a big deal can be the worst thing for somebody else. Let me change the hashtag. #PeopleSuckAndIveHadIt


I think I would feel the same as you, if it were me going through this change of therapist situation. Let's hope the new one is even better than the one who had to transfer you. Wishing you all the best! :)
