Right up there with McOuthouse and McPuddle

Located just outside a city slum...


There was no McHamburger place anywhere near this building unless it was in a secret underground bunker. As a matter of fact, I was a bit scared to be in the area riding on my electric-wheel. I wanted out!

The only reason I stopped to take a photograph is because there was an armed guard across the street near a loading dock. I felt safe enough to pull out my camera and snap a shot of this. I did not think for one second that this was related to McDonald's until now. I see the little registered sign above the "g" and it has me reviewing the 360 degree memory of that event. I still do not remember anywhere they could have been hiding a Micky-Deez.

It might be because I have recently increased my range of travel or it might be because I stayed really close to home over the last two years and my perception is skewed. Who knows. The fact remains, this was a strange sight in a strange location a the time I took the shot.

