Splinterlands Fan Art - FINA VOXOM


Hello everyone! Every week, Splinterlands posts an art challenge for everyone to showcase their talents in creating Splinterlands fan art and Splinterlands-inspired original artwork. Whether you're a pro or a newbie like me, you are most welcome to join.

In today's post, I'm excited to share my Fan Art of FINA VOXOM! FINA VOXOM is a Legendary Fire Unit from the Gladius Card Set. FINA VOXOM is one of my favorite Gladius Card because of its Opportunity and Bloodlust ability.


Fina has struggled and fought her way up from the most despised social class in all the Burning Lands, the Ruddy. This forbidden hybrid race that came from crossing cinder elves with pureblood Efreet generally keeps to themselves in their highland Molten Mountain hideaways. Very few of them (only the bravest) have ever tried to make a living in the broader Burning Lands, and even fewer have held aspirations to battle in the Moxian tournaments. Fina has proven herself against anyone who has ever challenged her. She does not use magic, but she is a wizard with the siow that she carries everywhere with her. The siow is an incredibly long, thin blade whose mastery can take years. An effective siow warrior can engage ten men at once in combat; Fina can handle more than twenty. She will now prove her worth and the worth of her clan to everyone at Mount Mox by battling as a professional Gladiator. - Fina Voxom Lore.


For this fan art, I used Clip Studio Paint for Android and the following outlines the step-by-step process involved in creating this fan art.

For the first layer, I created a rough sketch of the character before creating the outline. The idea is for Fina Voxom posing a pose while on training. I then created the line art.

I then applied the flat colors on a separate layer and also sprayed some shadows and some highlights. At this point, I am still pondering on what style should I use on her eyes.

On to the next layer, I added the eyes and the battle scar(?) on her face. On another layer, I used Multiple to apply dark shades and then used Glow layer to apply the highlights.

And this is the final output of my fan art. I enjoyed creating it because I always use this Gladiator card in ranked matches, and truly, its prowess is incomparable to other Gladiator cards.



That's it, and thanks for reading.
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*Images used are from Splinterlands.
