The Cacophony of Discord



I hate noise, not chatter or meaningful conversation, just noise. The sound of laughter that rings out like silver bells when children/people play laugh and have fun is like music to the ears while the noise of the market place jars within soul.

Harmony is a sweet pleasant experience, something to strive for in the cacophony of this world. The cacophony of the world grows louder by the day as man seems not to value peace and harmony so much anymore. Will we need to learn to discover our personal harmony amid the discord.

The harmony of paradise was lost when the ambience of purity and goodness was shattered by the lies, deceit and deception brought in by the cunning enemy. Discord ensued between the creator and the created. The memorable walks together in the pleasant breeze of the evening now had given place to hiding in fear and shame. The seeds of discord sowed in the mind of man brought about the fall of man.

The paradise of the mind is lost when its vision is split. When the internal speech does not align with the goals and visions of the heart there is strife within. The subconscious mind decides that the goals and vision laid out are too tough and impossible to achieve. The mind then speaks not in one voice or one language but in a dozen voices of discord. The man then has lost his peace.

When a people move toward progress with one voice they build towers as they did in the city of Babylon, rising up to the skies in harmony. Yet when their one voice is not the voice of right moral values they fall from the heights scattering into the nations of the Earth waking up to different languages and different voices which they no more recognize. Splitting into many nations they moved further from their first love and vision which brought them together. Harmony and growth go and in hand while discord leads to division and shattering of goals and vision.

Harmony is the voice of progress and discord the omen of division and destruction. Many nations were destroyed because the enemy noticed the discord within. Men thought of themselves as mighty powers and fought one against another trying to prove their might. The enemy taking advantage of the greed and envy kindled the fires of discord within watching them decimate themselves. They then took over the land and made slaves of people in their own soil.

Discord comes in like a thief, when seeds of envy, and doubts are sowed into the soil of the mind which is left unguarded. It takes root, grows stronger when unchecked and spews out venom through thoughtless words to breed division and hate within people of one accord. This hate and division creates murders and thieves of men who kill people's reputation and life with slander and sharpened knives.

Discord comes in drunkenness and merry making when the mind lowers its guard and lets out careless words in its altered state of mind. A spirit of discord takes over the human soul, binds it in captivity taking over territory it never owned. The body then obeys what the spirit commands it to do, making an animal of the man who once was in control of his being.

The inner discord and battle for control of who is in the drivers seat makes an animal of a thinking, reasoning human. Peace is the most precious treasure we need to guard, be it peace of the mind of peace at the borders. Many come with a message of peace to steal the soul of a nation or a human. Discernment is the key, knowing that peace is labored for in harmony and togetherness not brokered by deals on paper.

Peace brokers often have an agenda of their own. Peace is not the main motive in their hearts. I am sure you know the story of the monkey who offered to divide a piece of bread between two bickering friends. It tore the bread into two, found one half to be bigger than the other and bit into the bigger piece to even it out. Looking at the two pieces in his hands he finds the other piece is now bigger and takes another bite at the second piece. This continued until he eats all of the bread and the friends realize that they have none left. Such is the work of peace makers, they loot the land of its riches and walk away leaving the people of the land poorer, powerless and more shattered than before.

Discord grows from within, the cracks show up on the outside only when much damage has been done. Then all it needs is a word, an idea, a thought to make it come crumbling down. Plastering the cracks on the outside may provide aesthetic relief for sometime but until the damage done within is taken care of and harmony restored the discord remains like and festering wound.

We live in a world fractured by discord and division on all sides, how long will it take for nations to crumble and people to be buried on the avalanche of evil generated by the greed for power, wealth and rank? Will we ever recognize what we have done to ourselves with our inability to live in harmony, in one accord and speak in one voice as one race?

Let us find harmony in discord, let's make it happen!! Let's make the world a better place!

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.


Please can anyone tell what to do in this app?


hi @ahsansagheer, what specifically are you asking? You have posed a question in a comment to a person's article which was written in proof of Brain community on the Hive. If you provide a bit more context and detail, I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction :-)


Hahaha, @samsmith1971 I really love the way you broke it down for her. It was classy.🔥🔥

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I hope it didn't come across as condescending. I am so sorry if it did! Now I feel bad. Truly just trying to help and trying to understand at what point they are stuck...


Your response was very professional and helpful. Hhahahha you are all good. 😉😏


why don't you write a post introducing yourself, that is the first thing you've got to do. Write about who you are and your interests and the @ocd team will take it up from there and help you out.


The cacophony of the world grows louder by the day as man seems not to value peace and harmony so much anymore. Will we need to learn to discover our personal harmony amid the discord

I remember discussing a similar topic with a friend few years ago. Some people just can't be still anymore or in silence for some time. There is always "the next new thing" to surround themselves with in their minds. Our own mental peace and maintaining harmonious relationships are a necessity for growth.

I really enjoyed reading the monkey and bread story and having that compared to peace makers real motive. Prior to this post, I did not know about the monkey and the bread story.


I remember discussing a similar topic with a friend few years ago. Some people just can't be still anymore or in silence for some time. There is always "the next new thing" to surround themselves with in their minds. Our own mental peace and maintaining harmonious relationships are a necessity for growth.

Just today I spent so much time counseling my niece on this very same topic. Somehow young people today do not seem to value their mental health, they seem to be in a perpetual race.
Maybe its not just the young ones .. even my peers seem to be in a major rat race.

Hmm.. the monkey and the bread is a very common fable in my country, I wasn't sure if people outside have heard it. We are taught all these little stories when we are in grade one.
Glad I didn't just refer to it and assume that its common everywhere.
Thank you for stopping by @moon-city.
I've got to read your post or have i read it?


I think the pressure of social media and expectations perhaps are constantly driving this cycle. I suppose learning how to balance that and not burning out our own wheels are a good way to go. I will have to search up some more fables from your country because they are quite creative!


Absolutely, If we cannot take care of ourselves no one else will.
What disturbs me often is people run after money so much but at the end they seek peace, so why not search for it right at the start?


Sorry for the late response but I couldn't agree more!

Eventually, people do wake up at one point and realize that they put their peace second and now it has become the one thing they crave the most.


But the powerful like to use discord to win
Divided we fall and they win

Yes, I'm with you on finding the harmony
Live and let live <33


But the powerful like to use discord to win
Divided we fall and they win

How many times have we seen this.. history has proved this over and over again. They came, they saw they captured and made slaves of men. I didn't want to leave that most important piece out in my post.
Hmm.. finding harmony amidst all the discord has made my life so peaceful.
its like even an earthquake won't quake me any more... but then some discords are more powerful than others.
Thanks for stopping by @kaerpediem


Oh wow! I have to admit you and I got something in common. I can't believe it took this long to discover.

Damn! I hate noise! I love quietness, The peace of mind quietness brings is Incredibly priceless.

Haha, Got me remembering the 'Solitude' #WOTW some weeks ago.

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Thanks for finding the commonalities between us LOL
Solitude is my thing!


100% of the time. Imma always choose Solitude over everything except the money.😟

Because if I got the money in abundance I could get solitude very easily. For example I could buy a crib in a designated area of my choice that could be very quiet you know.😊

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Hope you get it!!


Yeah, Yeah, I hope so too.

I'm putting in the work and effort to make that dream of mine come true. It's just a matter of time.

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I came back to your post via @dreemport today. Loved it the first time, loved it again lol. Nothing more to add to what I have already said in the comments to you :-)


Lol thanks a ton. Much appreciated.
