Temporary observation results, against the destroyer species


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They often control every reforestation area, such as wild plants that grow neglected, they are often labeled by farmers as their enemies, because their presence is detrimental to plants, sometimes dubbed as destructive pests, they are Wood Beetles / leaf eaters, while in English they are called Weevils, although he often lifts wood, but his main job is crushing leaves

Curculionidae or Weevils/(Kumbang Pengerek Kayu)

Every living thing on this planet earth, often needs a biological relationship, or the desire to flow the desire between males and females. This relationship is also referred to as the holder of the inheritance of descendants in breeding or continuing an uninterrupted civilization as long as they exist, thus each generation will continue.

Different creatures have different ways of having intimate relationships, this is also influenced by the posture of each creature itself, different behavior in doing this is different from each Order or nation itself, physically different in essence, so the way to do it is different.

However, most insect species always have an equal intercourse, the method is also carried out in a similar way as shown in the picture in this post, namely the male riding the female, almost every type of attack does the intimate thing.

Although it is often seen that males ride females in an intimate relationship, every insect also has intercourse with other males. If traced, it turns out that almost 70-100 species of insects have intercourse with males. This behavior is a right that dominates the territory, meaning that when the male who is under the influence (who experiences defeat) will surrender and be willing to accept the consequences of being fucked by the winner.

Nature but this behavior is not called a marriage because it does not meet a requirement, in general it is only said that a marriage is fulfilled a condition, one of which is one male and one female, even this undue marriage takes time and energy, and risks serious illness and injury and unsanitary to sexual law.

What is the reason?

Then this relationship does not produce a result that is demanded by natural law, because it will harm both parties. When viewed from the physical members of each sex, of course, there are significant differences of course the sex form is also very different between the male and female genitalia. Basically the male sex form is essentially giving while the female genital form is receiving. When it is different then the function of the two parties is also different.

I myself often see every character of this one insect body. When an insect that is male does not have intercourse, the color of its wings is green, both male and female, then when this pair of insects has sex, there will also be a significant change in the color of the elements, namely the male will look yellow all over, wings on top. The term is said to be an increase in libido in the male body. While the female received a slight change in color that is yellow-green but did not fully accept the change.

Then, to recognize males and females is very easy to mark by looking at their physical size, if the male looks smaller than the female, the point is that the female is larger than the male.

Based on the results of research that has been carried out by each team of both international and local researchers, they get accurate information that the occurrence of this deviant relationship is based on several forms of problems that occur in the field, including several problems such as :

  1. Shows power over males that have been controlled by other males
  2. The lack of females in one territory
  3. Loss of recognition of the identification of a female identity, in a communities

The main reason has at least been explained in the article above, while in the second point it is also seen in the position of a nest in dominating each region. Lack of females in a nest area can also lead to deviant sex

This second reason is not only seen in insect civilizations, it is also sometimes seen in domesticated birds, such as in farms, sometimes roosters make love to ducks, and wild ducks make love to hens, and monkeys often make love to cats. This behavior often occurs when playing together in an area.

If the rooster often plays with ducks, or is raised in a shared environment, this behavior also occurs, then in this case it falls into the third category, which is not being able to distinguish status or differences naturally, when they are raised together. The male (rooster) often considers the duck as his partner or the opposite sex.

This marriage is also declared as crossbreeding, although it produces results, but most of the time it fails, in contrast to the insect species, while the insects in this section occur based on the characteristics mentioned above, such as dominating a power, the minim of the female, while not being able to distinguishing a sex is rare although there are several species of insects that have that character. An accurate reason is, every insect species has a sense of smell that is able to distinguish the opposite sex.

This paper was written based on the observations of a local team engaged in the search for solutions about nature, or rather based on the results of research conducted by each team with a different vision. Meanwhile, I am a member of the local team assigned to find information on the weakness of plant-disturbing insects, when we find a weakness, its presence can be automatically overcome without having to eradicate it, but moving it or repelling it and moving to a place that has been provided in the permitted area.

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Lhokseumawe, Aceh
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Smartphone Type Vivo Y12

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