Skylinebuds Oneup introduction


What's up oneup peeps? I am actually really late to make this post. No real excuses 😂. My thoughts are to well introduce myself to the oneup community and start a new journal about the #play2earn games I have checked out that day.

So introduction would be skylinebuds if you post to Weedcash you likely know me as that up till recently is the most active community I have been with on hive. Now with the oneup and splinterlands I have been checking out more play2earn games.

I will start with I was a huge gamer, Most of my young days were games from Zelda and FF7, But FF8 is still my favorite game outside elder scrolls but that's just an amazing series on its own. But anyway like I said was a huge gamer and actually up till I found crypto in 2016/17 is when I started to slowly lose interest in gaming. Many things lead me to pretty much stop all gaming, besides some casual Mario and old-school SNES. The main thing that stoped or helped break my gaming addiction yes it was an addiction was crypto.

Now, play2earn games are here and I find myself still very board of games, I actually went hard for about 2 weeks on splinterlandsand this past season I rented all my cards and sat bronze 2. I find that is one of the amazing features games in the play2earn space are gonna need to off, to be honest. Not only earning but a way to keep earning when idle or away.

Some of the other games I have been playing but not really is Gnocity, If I just feed my gnomes daily someone will battle me and I don't have to do anything but this doesn't really earn much.

Hashkings now offers land and seed rental, I have listed a few plots and have made a couple of hive this way. I am still very confused at how this game even works 😂.

With that, I am still on or around the computer a lot with trying to build a couple of home businesses I have been doing the 1 hour missions and the music lesson on risingstar more. I was up well in this game had a load of good cards including a Steve but not being able to do anything well away at work I sold them all.

This is why renting feature is so essential to NFT gaming.

That's my gaming story and small intro to the oneup community. I am hoping to be a very active curator and member as I love gaming and NFTs.



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