The Simulation Hypothesis: Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?


Greetings to the Mes Science community,

It's @skyehi and I'm back again with another science episode on Physics 101. For a couple of days I've been sharing a few thoughts on the wonders of our universe and I believe it's quite fitting to address one very popular physics hypothesis; The Simulation Hypothesis.

The big question for this blog is;

Is Our Reality Just a Giant simulation Game played by an advanced civilization?

Polish_20231006_130237656.jpgOriginal Image Source by Pawel86 from Pixabay

Alright, let's dive right into the Simulation Hypothesis. This is a concept that's like a big "what if" question.

What if everything we know and experience, our entire existence, is actually just part of a super-advanced video game played by advanced life form that were there billions of years before we came in?

I know, it absolutely sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but trust me fellow scientists and science enthusiasts, it's totally worth exploring.

Let's get straight into a few concepts that might just be proof of the claim that we might be living in a computer simulation.


The Simulation Argument

Some scientists and smart people actually believe that as technology keeps getting better and more advanced, we might create super-realistic video game simulations. This may be quite possible with very futuristic augmented reality technology.

Now, imagine a super advanced civilizations out in the universe that may have already been in existence before us humans.

They might already have access to these advance simulation tech and would be making these simulations for fun, science, or even to reenact history.

If they create loads of these simulations, it just might be possible that we're in one of them. That is the simulation hypothesis and even though it may sound like straight out of a science fiction concept, it is quite logical when you think it through.



Just think about our world. It follows precise rules like a well-designed video game. Everything seems to have perfect numbers. It really looks like an entity made it happen just like how programmers build games.

This is also the basis for the believe of an ultimate creator by many religions.


Mandela Effect

Ever noticed when lots of people remember something differently than it actually happened?
Like thinking it's "Berenstain Bears" instead of "Berenstein Bears"? Some say it's like finding a bug in a video game.

I'll quote a brief explanation of the Mandela effect from the website below

Source for Mandela Effect

The Mandela effect - Fiona Broome, who reported having vivid and detailed memories of news coverage of South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, despite Mandela actually dying in 2013, decades after his release and after serving...

This goes to show that there could actually be a glitch in our world which could be more proof that we may be living in a computer simulation run by advanced species.


Quantum Pixels

Now one concept that may be a good proof of the simulation hypothesis is Quantum Pixels. At the tiniest scale of all matter or things, stuff acts weirdly.

Quantum mechanics says it's like everything is made of tiny blocks, not smooth like in real life. This could actually be a sign we're in a digital reality, having pixels.

Ever gotten close to a giant flat screen tv before. From a distance it looks clear and high graphics but up close you see the little box looking pixels. This seems to be how tiny quantum particles look like.

So we may just be digital objects 😂


Weird Occurrences

I'm pretty sure you already know about those strange stories like UFO sightings or ghostly encounters.

One thing I've realized about UFO rumors is how the media is able to cover it and make it sound like it wasn't true. Now I'm not claiming that UFOs have actually landed and the government is doing a great job of hiding it. What I'm trying to say is that there are reasons for those rumors or stories existing.

Maybe these strange occurrences are just things that could be the result of glitches or experimentation within the simulation.


Simulation Within Simulation

Now let's imagine if an advance civilization could possibly create video game simulations of our reality. Well, those advanced civilizations might create even more simulations within their simulations. It's like playing games inside games, just with computer code.

Ever played GTA game before. Your character could actually enter a bar and play pool game. So basically you're playing the pool game within a GTA game.

This could be a possible reality of nested simulations within simulations, leading to a really complex hierarchy of simulated realities.


The Ethics of the Simulation Hypothesis

So the big question is what if we find out that our whole world is just a simulation?

How would we see our lives from then? Would the choices we make still matter at all? What will that do to religions where there's the believe of life after death?

Another question we may ask is do humans really have free will or is a computer gamer from an advanced civilization controlling me to share this article right now?

These are really big questions that make us ponder our place in this simulation hypothesis.


I'm pretty sure some of my readers may be hoping that the simulation hypothesis is not true because it makes us lose the value of life itself. Well you don't really have to worry about that concept because like I said, it's a hypothesis and not factual at the moment.

Thanks for taking the time to read today's blog post. I hope you found it both intriguing and entertaining to read. As always I'm open for any question or comment you might have regarding this blog topic.

Have a lovely day and catch you next time on Mes Science. Goodbye ❤️

You Can Follow Me @skyehi For More Like This And Others



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