After the long wait, my beautiful chicks are already being born/🥚🐣/Después de la larga espera ya naciendo mis Hermoso polluelos


Saludos amigos de hive. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes esta gran emoción que siento al ver salir del cascarón los hermosos polluelos que días atrás había publicado haciendo el ponderó que bella es la naturaleza que Increíble aquí les comparto como fueron rompiendo el cascarón

Greetings hive friends. Today I want to share with you this great emotion that I feel when I see the beautiful chicks that days ago I had published come out of the shell, pondering how beautiful nature is that Incredible here I share with you how they were breaking the shell

El día De hoy cuando hacia limpieza del gallinero me Encuentro revisando los ponederos cuando derepente escucho un sonido de un pollito fue tan emocionante escuchar ese Sonido , rápidamente revisó y me eh encontrado con este precioso polluelo rompiendo el cascarón

Today when I was cleaning the hen house I find myself checking the nests when suddenly I hear a sound of a chick it was so exciting to hear that sound, I quickly checked and I have found this beautiful chick breaking the shell


No era Uno eran varios polluelos queriendo salir de su cascarón ☺️

It wasn't One, it was several chicks wanting to hatch ☺️


A las horas Vuelvo a observar para ver cómo estaban y la gallina ayudaba un poco a salir al polluelo ,que hermoso es el amor de madre 😍😍

At the hours I return to observe to see how they were and the hen helped the chick a little, how beautiful is mother's love 😍😍



Deje pasar unas horas más cuando Vuelvo a observar el ponedero ,Ya Había salido el pequeño pollito 😍☺️

Let a few more hours pass when I return to observe the nest, the little chick had already come out 😍☺️


Dejó que pase más tiempo cuando logró observar que estaba llegando hormigas 🐜 y estaban maltratando a uno de los polluelos

He let more time pass when he managed to observe that ants were arriving 🐜 and they were mistreating one of the chicks



rápidamente saque los huevos con el polluelo y la gallina para mover a un lugar donde no le llegarán las hormigas , con ayuda de un saco tapo para que. Asi pueda descansar y seguir sacando los polluelos

Quickly remove the eggs with the chick and the hen to move to a place where the ants will not reach, with the help of a covered bag so that. So I can rest and keep taking the chicks


A cabo de unas horas observo como se encontraba la gallina y para ver si estaba tranquila .

After a few hours I observe how the hen was and to see if it was calm.



La gallina estaba muy tranquila y continuaba sacando polluelos aquí pueden observar este otro hermoso polluelo

The hen was very calm and continued to take chicks here you can see this other beautiful chick


Bueno amigos espero les guste
Mi post que feliz me siento al ver lo hermosa que es la naturaleza al ver nacer los pollitos

Well friends I hope you like it My post how happy I feel to see how beautiful nature is when I see the chicks hatch

Las fotos tomadas fueron realizadas con mi teléfono celular oneplus 6

The photos taken were taken with my oneplus 6 cell phone

Gracias por leer y ver mi post

Thanks for reading and seeing my post


Awesome! I bet it feels really rewarding to see those chicks pop out of there.

You should check out the Amazing Nature. I'm sure they would have loved to see a post like this over there. You'll get a lot more attention from like minded people when posting into relevant communities. This OCD community is meant for posts that don't fit in anywhere else.

Have a nice weekend!
