How to cook Indonesian instant noodles | MIE KUAH

Hello everyone..
Today I don't know why I eat so much. Not like usual. This morning I had vegetable lontong breakfast with my family. We had breakfast on the back porch of the house while enjoying the morning air. You know, that this morning there was a funny incident. When I opened one of the packets of the vegetable lontong, there was no gravy in it. All lontong vegetables have gravy. So, like it or not, I had to pick up the gravy from the seller's place.

During the afternoon, my mother cooked chili prawns with potatoes, fried tempeh with crispy flour and clear vegetables. I ate quite a lot of rice. with some chili prawns and also some vegetables. I eat while watching television. I watch my favorite movies, namely UPIN and IPIN. I really liked watching that movie since I was little. Don't know why, the film is not boring even though you have watched it many times. with funny and unusual characters that also makes this film not bored to watch over and over again. Because I was enjoying watching television, I didn't realize that my food had run out.


At 4 PM I felt a little hungry, I thought about buying boiled noodles in the village next door. I rushed off to buy boiled noodles on my motorbike. The distance from my house to the place where I buy boiled noodles is about 10-12 minutes. I always buy boiled noodles with a separate sauce from the noodles. Why? Because if the sauce is combined with the noodles, the noodles will expand and the sauce won't be hot anymore when you get home. therefore, I separated the noodles and the gravy. When I got home I immediately heated the broth so it was delicious when I ate it later.



At night I eat at 7 PM. I ate rice with spinach vegetable fried chicken. That night, I ate small portions. By 10 PM I was hungry. Then, I went to the kitchen to see what ingredients I could cook tonight. I saw a packet of instant noodles. I immediately rushed to cook it. The ingredients needed to cook instant noodles are:

  1. 1 clove of red onion
  2. 3 pieces of cayenne pepper
  3. 1 red chili
  4. Celery leaves to taste
  5. Cooking oil 3-4 stp
  6. Enough water
  7. Instant noodles
  8. 1 egg

When all the ingredients are ready, I immediately start cooking it. The way to cook it is:

  1. Slice the onion, cayenne pepper, red chili and celery leaves.
  2. Heat the cooking oil in a frying pan.
  3. After it is hot, stir-fry the onion first, then add the cayenne pepper and red chili.
  4. After the onion is slightly browned, add enough water and also the celery leaves
  5. After the water is boiling, break the eggs that have been prepared earlier and add them.
  6. After that, enter the noodles and seasonings that have been provided from the instant noodles into the water earlier.
  7. Wait until the noodles are really soft.
  8. When the noodles are soft, the noodles are cooked.
  9. Put the noodles into a plate or bowl
  10. Then, late noodles are ready to be served.

Well, that's how I cooked instant noodles, friends when I was starving. Even though the food is simple, don't worry about its delicious taste. I often cook it when I'm hungry. Usually I call it MIE KUAH. You can make this simple dish when you are hungry but don't want to bother. Aren't you interested in trying it? You can try it at home.

About Author

Hi everyone,
Welcome to see Seli's Blog. A teenager who just graduated from high school who is still pursuing his dreams. Have a desire to be an independent woman. I'm learning to cook with my mom. and will try to share interesting things. Always vote and support the author, don't forget to give me directions, friends..


Nice, mantap dk ,adk asliborg mana dk .. Salam dari lhokseumawe


Haii kk , salam kenal juga
Saya dari sumatra utara kak 😊


Haii juga ,ohh asli medan adknya. Dah lama dk maen ecency adknya ?


Kebetulan Baru mulai bergabung kak


Hehehe iyaa di maklumi dk ,biasa tu kita sama² masih belajar
