What is the meaning of life?


Life is like a stream floating in a vast body of water. Continued swinging. On the way to see a huge wave, with him as if he were alone war!

Again, life is like a crooked river, flowing in its own rhythm. It is like his endless running across the mountains and towns. Everything on the way is broken!

Life is like a living tree. That teaches us to let go. Standing near the door, he passes the silent shade, and a little peace is distributed!


What is the meaning of life?

Sometimes a sacrifice, sometimes a little love, sometimes a storm, again overcoming it with much difficulty, then seeing a success, finally returning to that creator. That's why everything! Look at the street children on the side of the road and you will understand. Life means struggling to survive.

Life is agony for a failed boyfriend/girlfriend. For parents, life means children's smiles. Ask a sick person. He will say that life means living healthy. Ask the border guards. Don't be too surprised when they say life means war. But. In fact, everyone sees life differently.

Giving happiness without hurting anyone. Facilitating the way to gain respect by respecting people. To provide security for oneself and one's family without making enemies. And, to maintain the habit of being content with little. -- These are the meaning of life to me.

An old man is struggling to carry a heavy bag on the street. If I give it some distance, it is also worthwhile. I am trying hard to fulfill my mother's dream and I am successful. It is also useful. I was able to share someone's pain, and I was able to understand. It is also useful. I have restrained a man from evil deeds, I have prevented evil deeds and he has heard. It is also useful.

Does life need to have meaning? Life has no meaning - isn't that the greatest beauty of life? People get frustrated while searching for the meaning of life. I don't want to be disappointed. As long as I exist, benefiting people in one way or another is the only vow of my life.

Life is like a book to me. The book travels from the day it starts reading to the end. From the day a person is born, he journeys on the path of death. I can't throw away every topic in the book because I don't like it. I can't get everyone out of life just because I don't like everyone in life. Some things in books are memorable forever. There are some people in our life who are remembered forever. They share our joys and sorrows in every moment of life. Such people are not in everyone's life. Those who get it are truly lucky.


How does life feel? It totally depends on your mood and age.

I did not know what life was when I was a child. Then everything is beautiful..colorful. Everything was fine. During those studies and exams, it seemed that the life of aunt Kalitara was happy. There is no pressure. Go home...have a meal and a plate of rice and fall asleep in the evening. Kalitaramasi is snoring and sleeping while I eat Horlicks and read. What joy they have. I used to say to God. Oh, Shiva Tagore, why didn't Lord send me Kalitara Masi to the world?

As I grew older, I realized that I was lucky not to be black. Mother is right. He used to say if you study hard now then you can relax later. He who relaxes now without studying will have to suffer later. Sometimes in life, you have to suffer. Now you decide when you want to relax. I am relaxing today because I studied then... I am living a good life. But I don't work. Even after getting a job in NTPC, I didn't work...I just put my feet up and eat comfortably. Now, this is what I am doing..I am chewing my husband's neck.

I did not say how to enjoy life depends on the mood. That's right. If the mood is good today, then the world is good. all beautiful I am singing from time to time. And if the mood is bad, everything is bad. Man is bad .. the whole world is ugly ….this life is futile. Realize how bad human birth is. Why am I sad thinking that I was not born as a bird... It was right to be born as a crow if I did not become a cuckoo. Two days later, I feel like I was born a lucky person again. Mood swing case.

The unknown turns of life are very interesting. Suddenly something happens and makes me a bit more mature. All events, good and bad, are experience-enhancing...knowledge-enhancing..sharpening. And making me Wise (I don't remember Bengali). Shan is falling into judgment. Well...feels good.

At this age (don't think I'm old again) I understand that it's very important to be honest with myself when I can't do anything. When I go to sleep at night, there should be no worries in my mind. It shouldn't have been done..it wasn't right to say that...Irish should have made the mouth go blank after hearing that...not at all. You need to have a clear place or position. Whatever I do, I will do it with understanding...then no more posting.


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