Beat Down of the Day:



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I chose Tarsa As a Sumner because I needed to complete the fire daily quest that I was given also to add one melee damage in one health to all my splinters.

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First Position
In the first position I chose to go with radiated scorcher because he is very cheap Mana wise and thanks to my summoners ability you also get one extra Health one and one extra attack point.

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Second Position
In the second position I chose the endpoint platoon I primarily chose this card in the second position because I was hoping for my first position card to be killed or at least absorb a couple of blows allowing the antoid Platoon To come in and secure the victory with its special ability shield which reduces physical attack damage it takes.

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Third Position
In the third position I chose to serpentine spy because of his opportunity ability he is perfect to take out any low health splinters on my opponents team.
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Fourth Position
In the fourth position I chose to go with the chaos agent as I only had one Mana left I figured he would be a good rear guard and absorb damage.

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Round One:
Round one I really thought I had it as my opponent had already lost the card the furious chicken. I do have more attack monsters however he does have one monster with a lot of health.
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Round Two:
In round two we can see that the chaos agent did his job and absorbed one attack allowing serpentine spy to continue to attack using opportunity.
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Round Three:
In route three we can see that my opponent had executed a perfect pincer attack , He eliminated the radiated scorcher and the serpentine spy in one round. This only left the Antoid platoon while my opponent still has two monsters that can attack.

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Round Four:
in round four we can see regardless how much shield or what special ability the Antoid platoon has I cannot match my opponents life which means that this is the end.



