Un poco más / A little more



El fuerte olor a humedad no dejaba dormir a Francisco, sus tres hermanos en cambio, roncaban sonoramente en el suelo de aquella extraña edificación de madera. Unos cuantos metros más adentro Laura parecía observar lo que quedaba del café del día anterior.

-Buenos días Laura-

-Buenos días Francisco, parece que no pegaste el ojo en toda la noche-

-Me tiene preocupado que con esta lluvia tan copiosa, no podamos salir del bosque, ya vez que empiezan a crecer estos edificios de la nada-

-Si verdad, de ser comestibles ya no habría ninguno, jaja-

-Creo que lo son, pero no saben a nada, no huelen a nada y no tienen muchos nutrientes que digamos-

-Si, pero al menos son buenos para habitar y es muy fácil darles forma de lo que quieras-

-Te vas a tomar ese café o solo le estás rezando-

-Jaja-, ya sabes que no me gusta recalentado-

-Recalentado? que va, me lo tomo frío con algo del pan que quedó en la mesa-

-Bien, pero apúrate que ya es tiempo de despertar a los otros-


The strong smell of humidity did not let Francisco sleep, his three brothers, on the other hand, snored loudly on the floor of that strange wooden building. A few meters further in, Laura seemed to be observing what was left of the coffee from the day before.

-Good morning Laura-

-Good morning Francisco, it seems that you didn't sleep a wink all night-

-It has me worried that with this heavy rain, we won't be able to get out of the forest, since these buildings start to grow out of nowhere-

-If true, if they were edible there would be none, haha-

-I think they are, but they don't taste like anything, they don't smell like anything and they don't have many nutrients to say-

-Yes, but at least they are good to live in and it is very easy to give them the shape you want-

-Are you going to drink that coffee or are you just praying to him-

-Haha-, you know I don't like it overheated-

-Reheated? that goes, I take it cold with some of the bread that was left on the table-

-Okay, but hurry up, it's time to wake up the others-

Historia corta y pintura



good morning you too,
it's look like very interesting hope you have good taste of it


Mushrooms are looking Very beautiful. Are they edible?


They have a very good effect on our health and all of them are very important to us.
