Преподобна мати Ангелина (Venerable Mother Angelina)


Greetings hivers! Today, for the first time, I'm sharing an icon I painted.
Venerable mother Angelina of Serbia is represented on the icon. The Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates it on July 30 according to the old calendar, or August 12 according to the new calendar.

This Serbian saint is the daughter of the Albanian prince Djordje Arijanito Komnenos and the wife of the Serbian despot Stefan Branković.

In folk tradition, this Serbian saint is remembered as extremely educated, wise and beautiful. She loved the book and read it all the time.

Mother Angelina's life was extremely difficult - she outlived her husband, both sons and a daughter.
She died in 1520.

The image of Venerable Mother Angelina can be found on all Branković icons, and she is depicted as a nun, with a cross in her right hand.

It is believed that Mother Angelina especially protects women who live a life similar to hers - those who suffer and sacrifice but do not give up kindness and trying to do the best for their family.
