We must change our mentality in order to change our lives for the better

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To be able to reflect on the fact that in some circumstances it is essential to be able to change our way of expressing feelings and emotions, because suddenly the conventional way we do it can negatively influence our lives.

When we think a lot about something, it is a sign that we are not well, everything worries us and we think a lot about problems, these thoughts exhaust and wear out our mind, if in the end we assume that our thoughts are a reflection of how we feel both physically and mentally, then it is very important that we learn to control our thoughts.

Emotions are associated with our thinking, if we worry thinking a lot about our problems, then most likely we will not react with our emotions in the best way, the important thing is that we focus on generating welfare for ourselves, through emotions that are manifested by: love, joy, surprises, creativity, enthusiasm, enthusiasm, illusion.

Changing our thoughts implies to stop thinking to suffer and change our thoughts to channels that generate emotions that react with our environment in order to generate shared welfare, because it is not only that we seek welfare for ourselves, but for those around us as well, if the people around us are happy, then they will radiate love for us as well.
