Using evocation as a useful tool in learning //

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Among the various study techniques one that we can try is the evocation, I know that there are various techniques to study, but most of us know that traditional techniques such as writing down every word that the teacher says while explaining, or studying from a book underlining with markers what we consider most important, may not give us good results.

The bad thing about these practices or study techniques is that they imply a great effort without knowing if we will obtain good results, if we could complement many of these techniques with evocation it would be better, that is to say we can apply any study technique, but what gives feasibility in the learning that we can acquire is the fact that we can practice the memory of what we have studied, and that is only achieved by evoking memories.

To give just one example, suppose we are reading a sociology subject, once we have finished reading it, instead of investing time in trying to remember what we understood from the reading, what we do is to invest that time in rereading it, and it is not that rereading it is wrong, but when we are going to evoke the fact of analyzing what we have read, that is, analyzing everything, asking questions of self-analysis, putting into practice what we have read with real life examples.

The importance of evocation as a powerful tool to acquire learning from a reading study lies in being able to make an effort beyond rereading or making a summary or outline, it is necessary that we make cognitive efforts so that our consciousness is able to grasp what we are supposed to have learned in reading or any other learning technique.
