The problem of Eurocentrism in the Humanities

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If we take into account the origin of the human sciences, it is likely then that we understand the current and real problem that professionals and academics in humanities still consider the center of attraction of art, philosophy, music, painting, literature, painting to be Europe, and it is not that this is wrong, but the ideal would be to study all historical trends, where there would be room for example for a very little studied oriental humanism.

Now, if it is true that the origin of humanities is in Europe, it is the same reason that makes us aware of its expansion and the importance of its legacy for the rest of the world, that is, the ability of every individual in the world to express their humanistic abilities in literature, painting, music, among others, this type of consciousness has developed a logic derived from the review from the origins of humanities to its expansionism, compression and multicultural understanding.

It is very common to see in the contemporary age that Eurocentrism directed to the human sciences, given the seductive character of all those who contributed from Europe in the arts as for example Leonardo Da Vinci, but when we begin to understand that all cultures developed in their own way their human sciences, we understand that art, painting, philosophy and music are not qualities and expressions of a single culture and type of people, but of all those who consider themselves human.


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